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First Things to Do After Landing in Canada

Getting your confirmation of permanent residence is an exciting milestone in your life, and it’s time for the next step in your journey. Once all the paperwork is done, including medicals, all your belongings are packed and your goodbyes are said, your Canadian journey has officially begun. You are now ready to prepare for landing in Canada.

Written By

Corinna Frattini

Apr 29, 2024

Settlement Services

In the excitement of getting your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), it’s vital to consider the first things to do after landing in Canada. It’s now time for the next step along your immigration journey. Your Canadian journey begins when you complete all the paperwork, pack your belongings, and say your goodbyes. The first steps you take upon your arrival in Canada will set the course for a smooth settlement process. Discover the vital steps to building your life your life in Canada!

What to Expect When You Land in Canada

Knowing what to expect when you land will contribute to a smooth experience and reduce stress.

One of the first people you will meet at your arrival point in Canada will be a friendly Canada customs agent. This is when the customs agent will ask you about the goods you carry with you, goods to follow, and landing certificates such as your COPR.

You’ll also meet other officials from Immigration Services. They will ask you to show your passport and visa papers. Immigration agents will give you application forms to apply for documents such as your:

  • – Permanent Resident (PR) Card
  • – Social Insurance Number (SIN) card
  • – Health care card
  • – Driver’s license.

Applying for these documents within the first couple of weeks after you land in Canada is important. You will need a SIN card to work in Canada, and a health care card to get provincial healthcare coverage.

When Will I Receive My Permanent Resident (PR) Card?

Your PR card is proof of your Canadian permanent resident status. You will need this card whenever you leave Canada and want to re-enter. The processing time for your PR application can vary and it can take up to two months to receive your PR card. You can check processing times here.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will mail you a wallet-sized plastic PR Card. If you change your mailing address before receiving your PR Card, notify IRCC of your change of address. You can also check the status of your application.

Important First Steps After Landing in Canada

Once you decide to immigrate, it’s time to look ahead confidently. You’ve done so much to prepare for Canada, so trust yourself, enjoy the journey, and take these steps when you land in Canada.

1. Find Housing Accommodation

It’s important to secure short-term accommodation (a stay of less than 28 days) before you arrive in Canada. While residing in temporary housing, a vital first step is to find accommodation in Canada that will suit your long-term rental needs.

Ideally, you want to find a place that meets your needs and is relatively close to your employer. If you’re moving to a large city like Toronto, pay attention to how dispersed it is. Travel time within the Greater Toronto Area can take up to 90 minutes by car or public transit. So, factor in travel time when deciding where to live.

Rentals for Newcomers is a great place to search for the perfect rental in cities across Canada. While it’s good to research the housing market in Canada before you arrive, the best time to search for housing is after you arrive in Canada. This will allow you to visit properties, meet the landlord, and avoid rental scams.

2. Apply for Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Apply for your SIN within the first week after you arrive in Canada. Without this nine-digit number, you cannot get a job, apply for government programs and benefits, or access credit. In fact, without it, you are virtually a person without an identity in Canada. There is no cost for you to get your SIN.

 3. Apply for your Healthcare Card Upon Landing in Canada

Within the first week of your arrival in Canada, apply for a healthcare card to receive free medical coverage in the province or territory where you plan to live. Some provinces, such as British Columbia, have a three-month waiting period before your healthcare coverage takes effect. It’s important to apply for provincial healthcare within your first week to minimize delays in coverage.

If you land in a province with a waiting period, you can buy private insurance to cover you and your family from unexpected healthcare costs. A waiting period applies for permanent residents in British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Saskatchewan.

4. Connect with Settlement Agencies Before and After Landing in Canada

There are many immigrant service agencies across Canada. Settlement agencies provide information and many free services to help you adjust to life in Canada. Some settlement agencies even offer pre-arrival services before you land in Canada. There is a huge advantage to using settlement services before and after your arrival in Canada.

Learn About Free Pre-Arrival Services

If you’re still in your home country, learn more about free pre-arrival services:

Already in Canada? Discover Free Post-Arrival Services

If you have already arrived in Canada, you can search here for free post-arrival services.

Here are some services that you can take advantage of:

Free Language Training:

Improving or enhancing your English or French language skills is a great idea because it’s critical to newcomer success. Language training may focus on basic English skills only, and may not be enough to help you succeed in the work environment. However, many colleges and industry associations offer higher-level English training and job-specific or occupation-specific language training.

Host Programs:

Some organizations may offer a host program. This volunteer-based program matches immigrants with a host who can guide them through their first few months in Canada. Your “host” can help you with questions about the best places to shop locally, find housing, or enroll your children in school.

Settlement Counselling:

Immigrating to a new country can be an emotional time. You may feel frustration, regret, and homesickness. Immigrant settlement agencies are there to support you with counselling for you and your family.

Job Search Services Before and After Landing in Canada:

Immigrant settlement agencies are also a great first step to help you with your job search. For example, they can help you to:

  • – Prepare your resumé for the Canadian job market
  • – Write a cover letter
  • – Prepare for job interviews.
  • Many settlement agencies offer programs to assist your job search before and after you land in Canada.

Mentorship Programs:

You can also ask the settlement agency if they offer a mentorship program. Mentoring programs connect you with someone who works in your occupation and can provide information and tips about the profession in Canada. Mentoring can be a great way to help you succeed in the workplace.

5. Set up a Bank Account

Another priority in your first few weeks in Canada is to open a bank account near your home. To open an account, you will need your landed immigrant papers and any other identification you have to prove your place of residence. You can even open a bank account before you arrive in Canada.

Banks provide different types of bank accounts including basic savings and chequing accounts. You may need a chequing account in particular because most employers will make a direct deposit to your bank account to pay you.

Over time, you will build a good relationship with your bank, and start building your credit history. One way to build credit is to apply for a secured credit card and then a traditional credit card. With a secured credit card, you provide a cash deposit in case to pay your bills. Paying your bills and loans promptly is important to build a strong Canadian credit history. Your credit history will help you when you want to get a mortgage buy a home, make a major purchase such as a car, or get a loan to start a business.

6. Enroll Your Children in School When You Land in Canada

Among the main reasons people immigrate to Canada is to give their children a better future. That starts with education. Canada guarantees an education to every child between the ages of five and 18. You must enroll your child in school as soon as possible after you arrive in Canada.

The progressive levels in the Canadian education system for children include:

Kindergarten: Children enter the school system in Kindergarten at age five.

Primary or Elementary School: After they complete Kindergarten, they attend primary or elementary school for grades 1 to 7 or 8, depending on the school district.

Secondary or High School: From grade 8 or 9 through to 12, children attend secondary school (high school). Some districts have a junior high level between elementary and high school.

You’ll be off to a great start when you take these vital steps upon your arrival in Canada!


Corinna Frattini

Senior Editor, Prepare for Canada

Corinna Frattini is the Senior Editor and Content Director for Prepare for Canada. She contributes articles to help newcomers achieve their goals in key areas related to living, working, and settling in Canada. With an extensive background in human resources and leadership development, her articles focus on what Canadian employers seek and how newcomers can continue their careers in Canada.

© Prepare for Canada 2025

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