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When you move to Canada, there are many things to consider, and the process can be quite long. One of the biggest things to consider is how to transfer your money and belongings to Canada quickly and cost-effectively. Fortunately, you have many options to transfer money and belongings to your new home in Canada.

Transferring your money before you move to Canada

Before you move to Canada, you must find a safe and easy way to transfer your money. Fortunately, there are many ways you can transfer money from your home country before you move to Canada. 

Should you open a bank account in Canada before you move?

When moving to Canada, you will have to make an important decision; should I open a Canadian bank account before I move or after I move to Canada? This decision will determine how effectively you can handle your finances once you move to Canada.

Opening a bank account with a Canadian bank before you move is possible, though you need to know how to do it. However, it is usually better to open an account with a Canadian bank before you arrive than waiting until after you land. Opening a Canadian bank account before you move to Canada will make it easier to:

Some people prefer to open a Canadian bank account after they arrive. However, opening a Canadian bank account from outside Canada requires more documents and can be a little stressful. Some people prefer to open an account when they can talk to a professional face to face rather than completing the process online. If this sounds like you, then you can wait until after you arrive to open your Canadian bank account. Just remember that it’s possible to open a Canadian bank account before you move and many newcomers have done it.

Now let’s look at some common ways to transfer your money to Canada.

1. Wire transfer

Wire transfer is one of the easiest and simplest ways to transfer your money to Canada. However, you can only do this if you have already opened a bank account in Canada before you move to Canada. And with a Canadian bank account, you can send a wire transfer from your current bank account to your Canadian bank account.

Opening a bank account with one of Canada’s larger banks is a good idea because they have branches across Canada and are easily accessible. The larger banks also usually offer better customer service.

Some of Canada’s larger banks are:

After you open a Canadian bank account, you can send a wire transfer to your Canadian account. Once you arrive in Canada, you can easily access your funds from your Canadian bank account.

Arrive in Canada Financially Prepared

Ready to take control of your financial journey in Canada? Join our expert-led online webinar! Learn essential banking tips to build a strong financial foundation. Hear from David Frattini, Managing Partner at Prepare for Canada, and Neil Dhanani, Financial Advisor at Scotiabank, as they guide you through everything you need to know.


2. International money order

An international money order is one of the most common ways to transfer your money from your country of origin to Canada. It is a good option if you decide to open a Canadian bank account after you move to Canada. You will need to get an international money order from your current bank in your country of origin before you move to Canada. 

When you arrive in Canada, you will need to open a bank account and deposit the money order to your Canadian bank. Most international money orders have a maximum limit of $1,000 per order. This means that you will have to buy multiple orders to deposit all your money in a Canadian bank.

This method of transferring your money is usually safer than carrying cash. This is because money orders are paper documents and only a few can be worth a lot of money.

It is important to note that you will not be able to use your money right away. Once you have deposited the money order into your Canadian bank, you will have to wait for some time before you can access your money. The wait time will vary depending on the bank, so ask your bank when you can access your money.

3. Cash

Cash is another option, though it may not be the safest way to transfer money to Canada. It might be a little hard to travel with all of your life savings. However, if you feel comfortable with carrying all your money as you move, Canada will allow you to do this.

You must declare the amount of money you carry to the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA). You will only need to declare it if that money is valued at more than $10,000 in Canadian dollars. This money could already be in CAD or it could be foreign currency. This step ensures that you do not transfer illegal money into Canada. 

If you carry more than CAD $10,000 and do not declare it, the CBSA can seize your money. You may have to pay a penalty of anywhere from CAD $250 to $5,000 to retrieve your money from the CBSA.

If you’re bringing a large amount of money, cash is not the best way to bring money into Canada. Cash can be hard to handle when there is a lot of it and there is always a chance of the money getting stolen.

Bringing your jewelry and valuables when moving to Canada

Most of the jewelry and valuables you bring to Canada when you are moving are duty-free. This means you will not have to pay any taxes on those items. There are some items that you might have to pay duty on. For example, you will have to pay duty on new items or items that still have tags on them.

Generally, you do not have to pay duty on any goods you bring when you move to Canada. However, once you have moved to Canada and are bringing back any valuables from abroad, those goods may be subject to duty. You will also need jewelry appraisal reports from a recognized Canadian jeweller. 

Bringing personal items when moving to Canada

Canada will allow you to bring almost all your personal belongings and items duty-free. Things such as silverware, pots and pans, and any other household items are duty-free. However, any new items that still have a tag on them are subject to duty so keep that in mind. Alcohol and tobacco are also subject to duty if you bring them in large amounts.

There are some goods that you are restricted to bring into Canada. These goods include weapons and firearms, fireworks, ammunition, and explosives. You are not allowed to bring any of these goods into Canada.

You can check out this comprehensive article by the Government of Canada to learn more about what you can bring to Canada and if it is subject to duty.

Deciding what to move to Canada

Ideally, you don’t want to ship more than you have to since shipping costs are based on volume. You may decide that it’s less expensive to buy what you need when you arrive in Canada. You can always check out the cost of furniture and other items you may need in Canada online and compare it to the cost of shipping. If replacement costs are higher, then shipping makes sense. You’ll also avoid the stress of shopping when you arrive. Another benefit of shipping your goods is having your familiar belongings from home.

Shipping your belongings to Canada

If you have more goods than you can carry with you while travelling, you can ship your goods before you move to Canada. There are many options to ship your goods to Canada, some are considerably more expensive than others.

Shipping by air or by sea

Two ways you can ship your goods to Canada are by sea and air. Shipping by sea is cheaper than air but it is less convenient. Firstly, shipping by sea can take a lot of time. You will have to ship all your goods a good while before your move to Canada so you can access them when you arrive. You may not want to do that if you need those goods until you move. Once your goods arrive in Canada, you pick them up from a warehouse. The goods will not be delivered to your house.

Your other option is to ship by air. Shipping by air is more expensive, but it’s fast. You will have the comfort of waiting until your move and then shipping the goods to Canada. But just like shipping your goods by sea, you have to pick up your goods at a warehouse or further pay a moving company to deliver the goods to your home in Canada.

So to summarize, shipping by sea is a good choice if you want to save money or ship a large amount of belongings. However, you’ll have to wait longer for your goods to arrive. Shipping by air might be a better option if you’re shipping a few items to Canada. In the end, make sure to carry any essential items with you when you travel so you can access them when you arrive. Ensure you do not exceed the weight and size restrictions your airline will allow.

10 questions to ask every moving company

Hiring a professional moving company for your move to Canada can help you understand what to ship, its costs, and most importantly the shipping and customs regulations. However, it’s vital to carefully evaluate the company that you select to move your valuable belongings. To assess potential movers, be sure to ask these important questions:

  1. 1. How long has your company been in the relocation industry?

2. Can you provide references?

3. What licensing and insurance can you provide?

4. What type of estimates do you require?

5. How do you charge for moves?

6. How will you protect my home?

7. How will you protect my belongings?

8. Do you have workers’ compensation insurance?

9. What is your claim process?

10. When will my shipment arrive?

Storing your goods

There is a cheaper alternative to storing your goods in a warehouse for pickup. If you have a friend or relative in the Canadian city you are moving to, they might be able to help you. If you do not have too many goods you are shipping, you can ship the goods to their home in Canada. Once you arrive in Canada, you can pick up your goods from their home. This will help you save money you would have had to pay to store your goods in Canada.

Insuring your belongings

When shipping your household belongings to Canada, you want them to arrive safely and without damage. Unfortunately, contents can be damaged during shipping. But if your goods are not insured, you cannot claim damages. It is understood that if you’re paying to ship bulky items to Canada, then their value must be high. Therefore it’s crucial to pay for insurance to ensure the safety of your belongings and give you peace of mind.

Usually, it is better to consider the cost of insurance as part of the shipping costs. This leaves you with no option but to pay for the insurance as well, which is a good choice by all means.  To determine and prioritize your budget for the insurance, always make a comprehensive list of what you are shipping and how much it would cost if you have to replace it all in Canada.

Get ready for a spooktacular good time as Halloween approaches in Canada! Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays in Canada. It’s a time for fun and adventure for kids and adults alike. For newcomers celebrating Halloween in Canada, discover more about trick or treating costumes, traditions, and safety tips to ensure a happy Halloween!

What is the Origin of Halloween in Canada?

Widely associated with haunted Halloween props and silly costumes, Halloween was first celebrated by the ancient Celts living in Ireland almost 2,000 years ago. Since then, Halloween has evolved to become the holiday we know and love today. Although Halloween is not a public holiday, it is the second-largest commercial holiday that Canadian children and adults look forward to.

The ancient Celts believed that October 31 was the only time of year when spirits from the underworld could enter the world of the living. These spirits were believed to be unfriendly and could bring the living back to the underworld. Because of this, people started dressing as spirits on the night of October 31 so that returning spirits wouldn’t harm them.

Around the 1700s, Irish and Scottish immigrants brought Halloween to Canada and new elements such as carving jack-o’-lanterns and going door-to-door for treats. And over time, people started wearing funny and less scary Halloween costumes. Now, Halloween is a day to gather with family and friends for a fun time!

When is Halloween in Canada?

People in Canada celebrate Halloween on October 31. In 2024, Halloween is on Thursday, October 31. During this day, young children go trick or treating to enjoy the spooky delights that await. And, on Halloween day children can wear costumes to school. However, the school may have guidelines that you must follow. You may even see adults wearing Halloween costumes in the office for the day.

Preparing for Halloween is where all the fun lies! In the weeks before Halloween, people eagerly plan their costumes and decorate their homes and yards to get in the holiday spirit.

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Related Post:

Thanksgiving in Canada | History & Traditions

Trick or treating is a beloved Halloween event for Canadian children and their families. On Halloween night, children don costumes and go door-to-door to collect candy and treats from their neighbours. Canadians cherish this Halloween experience, and many communities organize events to celebrate!

Canadians also have unique customs that reflect the country’s diverse cultural heritage. In Quebec, for example, the tradition of “La Guignolée” involves groups of people going door-to-door, singing traditional songs, and collecting donations for the less fortunate. This practice dates back to the 18th century and speaks to the generous spirit rooted in Canadian culture.

Other popular Canadian Halloween traditions include hosting costume parties, with creative Halloween-themed decorations, and attending haunted house attractions and ghost tours. These activities provide a thrilling and spooky celebration!

A group of young children are trick or treating and dressed in different costumes.

Trick or Treating Halloween Costumes

While you can always expect to see children dressing up in spooky costumes, which is a classic choice, other costumes are downright cute. Superheroes, princesses, animals, there is no limit to creative Halloween trick or treating costume ideas. Adults too, look forward to choosing their costumes. Pop culture, group or couple costumes are popular for Halloween parties.

Whether you buy a costume or get creative and make one with supplies from your local dollar store, there are plenty of ideas to consider. But, also keep your child’s safety in mind to ensure a happy Halloween!

A front yard is decorated for Halloween in Canada.

Halloween Decorations for Home and Yard

It is impossible to miss Halloween in Canada. Around mid-October, people start decorating the front of their homes and yards, a common sight in many neighbourhoods. For home and yard decor ideas, stores like Canadian Tire can help you create a haunted Halloween mood for your house.

Pumpkin Carving and Jack-o’-Lanterns

Carving a pumpkin is a popular Canadian Halloween tradition. Families and friends gather and carve jack-o’-lanterns and showcase their artistic talents. Or you can show off your talent by painting or decorating pumpkins with stickers.

Jack-o’-lanterns are one of the most iconic Halloween decorations. You also don’t need to buy them from a shop because they are easy to make at home! A jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin, in which you place a candle. People like to carve faces on the pumpkin to make it look scary or funny.

During the night, when the candle is lit, the jack o’ lantern will be just what it sounds like, a lantern. The light shines through the carvings, to make a cool effect. If you don’t want to buy Halloween decorations, jack-o’-lanterns are a great way to show your holiday spirit.

Safety Tips for a Happy Halloween in Canada

While kids of all ages love to dress up on Halloween night, it’s important to follow costume and traffic safety tips for an extra safe and happy Halloween:

Young children are following Halloween safety tips when out trick or treating.

Costume Safety Tips:

Traffic Safety Tips During Trick or Treating Hours:

Candy Safety Tips:

Halloween in Canada is a time for fun and exciting activities. With these thrilling activities and trick or treating safety tips you and your children can enjoy a happy Halloween!

Two young Asian children are posing for a photo in a pumpkin patch. Visiting a pumpkin patch is a fun family activity to celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada.

Celebrating your first Thanksgiving in Canada? Here’s a quick guide to common traditions and history. From sharing a feast to great fall weekend activities, here’s how to enjoy this cherished Canadian holiday!

Why Do We Celebrate?

Canadian Thanksgiving is rooted in Indigenous values, including giving thanks for surviving winter and for receiving crops and game as a reward for their hard work. First Nations traditions would include feasting, prayer, dance and other ceremonies. However, the concept of thanksgiving was influenced by our American neighbours. Celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada holds deep cultural significance.

Pilgrims arriving in Massachusets.

Thanksgiving finds its origins in the 17th century. In 1620, a group of religious separatists left England to establish a colony in the New World. After landing on the coast of current-day Massachusets, the colonists allied with the nearby Wampanoag community. The Wampanoag people taught the “pilgrims”, as they are now called, how to cultivate corn, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants. 

In 1957, Thanksgiving became an official holiday in Canada. Since then, the day has served as a way to give thanks for good fortunes in the past year.

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Related Post:

Halloween in Canada: A Newcomer’s Guide to Trick or Treating

What Does Thanksgiving Mean Today?

While it originally celebrated harvests, today it’s about giving thanks for all the good in our lives. It’s a non-religious holiday that fosters inclusivity across cultures and beliefs. Thanksgiving in Canada embodies a spirit of unity and gratitude.

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and helping those less fortunate and in need. Food Banks Canada holds Thanksgiving food drives to distribute food to those who need it. It’s common for Canadians to donate to food drives or volunteer to serve Thanksgiving meals within their community to help others. As an important part of Canadian culture, volunteering benefits newcomers who want to contribute to and learn about their local community.

A calendar marks the Thanksgiving holiday in October on the second Monday of the month.
The Thanksgiving holiday falls on the second Monday of October.

When is Thanksgiving in Canada in 2024?

Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October and this year the holiday falls on October 14, 2024. It’s a time to bid farewell to summer and welcome the cooler months. The date for Thanksgiving in Canada varies but always falls in October.

Common Thanksgiving Traditions

Canada Thanksgiving traditional dinner with roasted turkey, side dishes, and pumpkin pie.
Traditional Thanksgiving dinner with roasted turkey, side dishes, and pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving Feast

Families usually celebrate Thanksgiving with neighbours and family friends. The Thanksgiving feast is the main event that takes place during the holiday. It is a great way to reunite with family members who don’t live close enough to meet regularly. If you don’t have family close by, you can invite friends and neighbours to a Thanksgiving dinner. Gathering for Thanksgiving in Canada often involves sharing a meal with loved ones.

The Thanksgiving feast usually includes a roasted turkey, with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Of course, every family has its traditions and the feast can vary.

Thanksgiving Weekend

Many families celebrate over the weekend leading to the holiday on Monday, allowing for more time to gather with loved ones. Thanksgiving Weekend is a great time for family members to get together. Often, relatives living in different cities or provinces gather to enjoy the Thanksgiving feast together. Celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada often involves a long weekend filled with family activities.

Many Canadians take time to enjoy the beauty of autumn during the Thanksgiving weekend. Colourful leaves in Algonquin Park, Ontario.

Autumn Activities

Thanksgiving weekend in Canada is the perfect time to take part in autumn activities. Whether you take a drive to view the trees changing colours, attend a local fall fair, or visit a pumpkin patch, you’ll find many events and fun activities. You may even want to bake a pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving in Canada is also a great time to enjoy the beauty of autumn.

Mother pushing her daughter in a wheelbarrow with a giant pumpkin

Sports Traditions

Canadians also enjoy watching football, with both the Canadian Football League (CFL) and the National Football League (NFL) hosting Thanksgiving games on the holiday. The CFL holds a Thanksgiving classic with a doubleheader featuring four different teams. The games air on National TV as well as multiple sports channels. Sports are an integral part of Thanksgiving traditions in Canada.

Is Thanksgiving in Canada a Statutory Holiday?

Thanksgiving is a statutory holiday in most provinces, although it’s optional for employers in the four Maritime provinces. That means employers may give employees the day off but they do not have to.

Thanksgiving is a day that holds meaning for many Canadians. It is a time to gather with family and enjoy a festive meal while also giving thanks for everything we have. It’s also a time to reflect on the origins of the holiday and the role of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. The First Nations people are an integral part of our culture, history and future and to whom we owe a great debt. Thanksgiving Canada is a time to acknowledge these important aspects.

To all celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada, we wish you warmth and gratitude!

Feathers are arranged in a circle and include the words "every child matters". The orange background symbolizes Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Also known as Orange Shirt Day, it recognizes and remembers the tragic history and honours the survivors of residential schools. These schools were underfunded and inflicted abuse on children leaving long-lasting impacts. It’s also an important day for all Canadians to learn more about Canada’s Indigenous history.

For newcomers, it’s a day to learn about the history of Canada’s residential schools and the wrongs committed against the Indigenous Peoples. By exposing the truth, we can move toward reconciling what Canada has long ignored.

Origin of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Since its founding in 2013, Orange Shirt Day has helped Canadians learn about past mistakes and remember the legacy of residential schools. More than that, it symbolizes how Canadians strive for a future where all Indigenous people have equal rights.

This valuable resource, Reconciliation Information for Newcomers to Canada provides the history of Canada’s residential school system and reconciliation information.

What is Orange Shirt Day?

Orange Shirt Day recognizes the harm that residential schools caused to Indigenous children, families, and communities. The Day is based on the story of Phyllis Webstad. She was an Indigenous girl of 6 years when she was forced to go to a residential school.

Phyllis lived with her grandmother on Dog Creek Reserve and never had a lot of money. However, her grandmother still managed to save enough money to buy Phyllis a brand-new orange shirt to wear to school. Phyllis was excited to go to her residential school. But she did not know about the horrors that were awaiting her.

Once she reached the school, she was forced to remove her orange shirt and never saw it again. The orange shirt has come to symbolize how it was for Indigenous children to attend residential schools. Not only did these schools forcefully assimilate children but they also took away all meaning of life for them.

Orange Shirt Day is a way to fix the injustice done to the Indigenous peoples. It is also a stark reminder of the kind of place Canada would be without its accepting and inclusive environment. Canada is full of many great things but one of the greatest things Canadians have is a sense of unity, no matter what our backgrounds are. Let’s never forget that as we move into the future. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation allows Canadians to pause and reflect.

On September 30, people across Canada wear orange shirts to remember the children who were taken from their families to residential schools. Wearing orange also promotes the concept of “Every Child Matters” and honours the survivors of residential schools.

Orange Shirt Day promotes the concept of “Every Child Matters” and honours the survivors of residential schools.

Remains of Indigenous Children Found in Kamloops, B.C.

In May 2021, there was a shocking discovery in Kamloops, British Columbia where the buried remains of 215 Indigenous children were found near a residential school. Kamloops Residential School was one of the biggest residential schools in Canada.

More remains were found near other residential schools in Canada revealing a dark chapter of Canada’s history. So our job as Canadians is to honour the survivors of residential schools and recognize their losses. These discoveries urge all Canadians to learn from the past and avoid making the same mistakes.

A crosswalk is painted orange with white feathers to honour the survivors of residential schools in Canada on the Day for National Truth and Reconciliation Day. .
A crosswalk is painted orange with white feathers to honour survivors of Canada’s residential school system.

Truth and Reconciliation Report

To redress the legacy of residential schools, Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Residential Schools recommended specific actions to reverse the injustice. And on June 3, 2021, the Canadian parliament passed Bill C-5 to designate September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

This day encourages Canadians to learn about the darker parts of Canada’s past rather than to hide from it. It’s a day to learn about key historical events. Only when every Canadian knows about the crimes committed against Indigenous peoples can we move forward as a nation.

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Canada Day 2024! Celebrating Canada’s 157th Birthday!

Settle in Canada with Confidence and Ease

A picture of three young Indigenous children walking along a path, holding hands and wearing wearing traditional regalia. The photo represents truth and reconciliation

National Truth and Reconciliation Events in 2024

First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Leaders have organized many National Truth and Reconciliation events in 2024. These important events help all Canadians to acknowledge the harm done and better understand the history of Indigenous Peoples.

Reconciliation is an ongoing process that involves taking time to listen, learn, reflect, and support healing in communities.

Ottawa, Ontario

Illuminating Parliament Hill

To honour the survivors of residential schools, their families and communities buildings across Canada including the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill will be lit orange throughout the evening of September 30.

National Commemorative Gathering

A live broadcast, Remembering The Children: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024 will be on APTN and partnering Canadian broadcasters. You can watch the broadcast online to memorialize children lost to the residential school system.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR)

The CMHR has a permanent Indigenous Perspectives exhibit that explores the history and legacy of residential schools. CMHR will offer free admission on September 30 from 10 am to 5 pm.

Calgary, Alberta

University of Calgary and the Calgary Public Library

Special events will take place on September 29 and 30 to raise awareness about the impact and legacy of the Indian Residential School System. Orange Shirt Day events will take place at the University of Calgary and the Calgary Public Library.

Toronto, Ontario

To mark September 30, flags at City Hall and civic centres will fly at half-mast and the Toronto sign will be lit orange. The Survivors Flag will also fly at half-mast. This flag is a sign of remembrance to honour all the lives and communities affected by the residential school system in Canada. In addition, many truth and reconciliation community events will be open to the public across the city.

Vancouver, British Columbia

On September 30, the University of British Columbia will host the 2024 Intergenerational March to Commemorate Orange Shirt Day. This educational event will support the Indigenous community on campus and beyond. A series of afternoon educational events will allow younger participants to learn about a difficult era in Canadian history.

With events taking place all across Canada, be sure to check out what activities will take place in your local community.

Is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a Statutory Holiday?

The Government of Canada declared September 30 a federal statutory holiday. So, people who work in federally regulated industries such as postal workers, government staff, and bank employees get the day off with pay. As well some schools will close. When September 30 falls on a weekend. federal workplaces observe the holiday on the following Monday.

Recognizing September 30th as a statutory holiday encourages people to reflect and engage in activities to honour those affected by the residential school system.

What Provinces Observe Truth and Reconciliation Day?

Only some provinces and territories observe National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a statutory holiday.

In 2023, the Province of British Columbia made September 30 a statutory holiday. This allows the people of British Columbia to attend local events to learn about and support the Indigenous community. Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the three territories, Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories also recognize September 30 as a holiday.

Other provinces, like Ontario, September 30th as a day of commemoration and leave it up to individual employers to treat it as a holiday. 

Whether you’re at work, school, or a community event, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a time to honour of honour the survivors and communities of residential schools. As we learn more about Indigenous cultures across Canada we strengthen our relationships. And, whether you wear an orange shirt on September 30 or take time to reflect on the past, you share your support for reconciliation!

When you arrive in Canada, you can easily use your phone when you activate an eSIM. eSIM technology allows you to activate a cellular data plan like a traditional SIM card and save on mobile data costs. Discover what eSIM is and how to activate it, price, benefits, and more!

Discover how to activate eSIM before you arrive in Canada. The bright yellow eSIM logo appears on a smartphone.
Newer Smartphones have eSIM technology.

What is eSIM?

Many phones today have an embedded SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. While eSIMs function like physical SIM cards, they have more benefits such as durability, space-saving on your phone, and enhanced security.

You can also activate and manage eSIMs remotely, and easily switch between different numbers and carriers without swapping out physical cards. Not only that but eSIMs support prepaid and postpaid mobile phone plans.

Many physical SIM cards on a world map..

What is a SIM Card?

A SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card holds the information to connect you to a mobile network. A SIM card will allow your mobile device to receive calls, send SMS messages, and connect to a cellular network in Canada.

Why Do I Need eSIM and What Are the Benefits?

With eSIM, you can easily and quickly use your phone to connect to people and places. Some of the benefits include:

Cost Savings

Convenience and Flexibility

With eSIM you don’t need a physical SIM card and you can:

Get a Local Number

eSIM prevents hackers from stealing your personal information and monitoring online activities. A person is holding a locked mobile phone.

Safety and Security

Network Coverage

Overall, getting a new eSIM card saves you money, offers greater convenience and safety, and helps you easily connect to friends, family, and employers when you land in Canada.

Affordable eSIM data plans

Which Phones Have eSIM?

Most mobile phones support eSIM technology. If your phone is a 2018 model or newer, it most likely has eSIM. However, you can check your phone’s settings to make sure.

Can I Buy eSIM Before I Arrive in Canada?

Yes, you can buy eSIM before arriving in Canada! Many newcomers choose this route because of its convenience.

Benefits of Buying Before You Arrive in Canada

There are many things to after landing in Canada. Getting eSIM before you arrive in Canada allows you to easily connect to people and places as soon as you land.

In addition, many services, such as opening a Canadian bank account, require a local number for verification or setup. Having a local number from the start can facilitate these processes and avoid future headaches.

Combining the convenience, a seamless transition, and access to local services, getting eSIM before you arrive is worth it!

A young male customer is choosing a smartphone in a mobile carrier store.

How to Get eSIM After You Arrive in Canada

Getting an eSIM in Canada is easy with many places to get one in Canada!

Airport: You can buy an eSIM at the airport and connect immediately upon arrival. However, it will cost you more at the airport.

Mobile Carrier Stores: Mobile carrier stores are good places to get eSIM. Major mobile carriers in Canada, such as Rogers, Bell, Telus, and Freedom Mobile, all have stores and offer many options, plans, and prices.

Electronics Stores: Major electronics stores such as Best Buy, Staples and Walmart also sell eSIM cards. You can often find a good deal on smartphone prices too!

Convenience Stores and Gas Stations: Some convenience stores and gas stations also sometimes sell eSIMs These stores are a good option if you are looking to buy a quick prepaid eSIM.

Benefits of Buying After Arriving in Canada

When you buy an eSIM after you arrive, you can get personal service to learn about different mobile carriers and plans. This will help you choose the best option for your needs and budget. You can also get help from store representatives to activate and set up your network coverage, to ensure everything works correctly.

The phone bill balance owing appears on an invoice from a mobile phone company. The eSIM price in Canada depends on many factors.

What is the eSIM Price in Canada?

The eSIM price in Canada depends on many factors. A big choice to make is between postpaid and prepaid mobile phone plans. Postpaid or monthly contract plans offer a set amount of calling minutes, texts, and data. Prepaid plans require you to buy calling minutes, texts, and data before using them.

Another choice you will have to make is between cell phone providers. Telus, Rogers, and Bell are the big three in Canada but tend to be a bit pricey if you buy as an individual. However, these carriers are great for family plans and bundles including home internet.

Some of the best mobile phone deals in Canada are with discount brands such as Freedom Mobile, Koodo, Virgin Mobile, and Fido, to name a few. All these providers offer new plans so it is a good idea to shop around to help you choose.

Global eSIM Services

Global eSIM services provide mobile data connectivity that you can use in many countries.

This can all be done without the need for physical SIM card changes.

One of the best global eSIM service providers is Saily. Saily’s services provide data coverage in over 150 countries with flexible travel data plans. Saily is the perfect choice if you need a data-only plan in Canada for a few days or weeks before choosing a cell phone provider. Saily is also a great travel companion if you travel outside Canada.

Getting access to Saily’s services is a quick and easy process. Download the app, choose one of Saily’s affordable plans, and enjoy reliable network coverage.

With many choices, you can find a plan that suits your needs and an eSIM price that meets your budget. Knowing how to activate it before you arrive is a convenient way to connect to people and places as soon as you land!

Marking the unofficial end of summer, most people know Labour Day in Canada for its extravagant parades and great shopping deals. Labour Day in Canada is an annual statutory holiday on the first Monday of every September. The holiday has a profound and complex history and many Canadians don’t know its significance. As we prepare for Labour Day, let’s remember to celebrate the workers, including immigrants, who built the country it is today. Discover the history of Labour Day, what it means for worker’s rights today, and how Canadians celebrate the holiday!

Why Do We Celebrate Labour Day?

The working class didn’t always have the rights we have in Canada today. Fair employment standards such as a safe workplace, a set minimum wage, and the right to join a union are some of the rights we take for granted today. The working class in the 19th century did not enjoy many of these rights. And, Canadian workers fought hard to gain these rights. Labour Day celebrates the progress and success of those dedicated to creating the workers’ rights and protections that we have today.

What is the History of Labour Day in Canada?

Labour Day officially became a statutory holiday in Canada in 1894. However, the holiday finds its origins long before that. Many historians accredit the events of 1872 as the driving force behind Labour Day. The Nine-Hour Movement of 1872 was a push for shorter work days at a time when most employees were expected to work twelve hours a day.

Nine-Hour Movement

On April 15, 1872, workers from the Toronto Typographical Union went on strike. They paraded with 10,000 union supporters to Queen’s Park in Toronto. At the time, however, unions were illegal and workers could not strike against their employers collectively. As a result, 24 strike leaders were arrested and charged with criminal conspiracy.

The arrests met with widespread protest and the general population was enraged. Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, responded by promising to abolish anti-union laws. On July 14 of the same year, Parliament passed the Trade Unions Act, which made unions legal.  

People line the streets of Toronto in the early 1900s for a Labour Day parade.
People line the streets of Toronto in the early 1900s for a Labour Day Parade.

Labour Day Becomes a National Holiday

This was a huge breakthrough in workers’ rights. The passing of this bill gave way to many other rights that workers demanded. After the events of the Nine-Hour Movement, Toronto would hold an annual parade to celebrate the victory of unions. In 1894, Labour Day became a national holiday. At first, it was a holiday associated mostly with work unions. As time went on, however, more and more businesses started giving employees the day off. Today Labour Day is a statutory holiday across Canada and most workers get the day off.

Labour Day Weekend Holiday in Canada

Today, most people see Labour Day as the holiday that comes at the end of summer. However, the holiday still reflects what it originally stood for, a day for workers to rally together and campaign for better working conditions. This makes it a unique holiday. Unlike other Canadian statutory holidays, Labour Day is less festive. But, you will still see parades, picnics, speeches, and competitions.

Celebrations usually take place throughout the long weekend. Since most Canadians also get Monday off, the Labour Day Weekend has three days. Many Canadians use the Labour Day weekend to enjoy the company of family and friends. It is common for families to go on a picnic before the end of summer.

The first day of school usually follows the Labour Day holiday for most elementary, secondary, and university students. So, the Labour Day weekend in Canada is an opportunity for students to celebrate the last long weekend of the summer and prepare for the exciting new school year.

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Is Labour Day a Statutory Holiday?

Yes, Labour Day is a federal statutory holiday. Unlike most other statutory holidays, Labour Day is pretty straightforward. All government offices and almost all retail stores will be closed. Some convenience stores and restaurants may remain open. The day after Labour Day marks the first day of school for students so many people refer to Labour Day weekend as the end of summer in Canada.

A calendar marks September 2, 2024 for the Labour Day holiday.

When is Labour Day in Canada in 2024?

Labour Day falls on the first Monday of September every year. In 2024, Labour Day falls on September 2nd.

Celebrating Labour Day Weekend in Canada

Now that you know a little bit about how Labour Day came to be and how Canadians celebrate it, let’s talk about some of the popular events that take place on the Labour Day weekend in Canada. Two of the biggest and most anticipated events around Labour Day are the Pacific and Canadian National Exhibitions. The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) takes place in Toronto while the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) takes place in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Attending the CNE during the Labour Day weekend in Canada is a signature end-of-summer event.

Canadian National Exhibition

The CNE is one of the most anticipated events of the year. Every year, this Toronto event begins in the weeks leading up to Labour Day and welcomes 1.6 million visitors. This year, the CNE will start on August 16th and runs until Labour Day on September 2nd. To many, the exhibition is Toronto’s signature end-of-summer event. The CNE is one of North America’s top fairs.

Watch highlights from the 2023 PNE Fair. The PNE closes on the Labour Day Weekend in Canada.

Pacific National Exhibition

The PNE is Western Canada’s equivalent of the CNE. Like the CNE, the PNE comes to Vancouver yearly and runs for around two weeks leading to Labour Day. PNE will open on August 19th – September 2, 2024.

The PNE is full of entertaining performances, music concerts, exciting rides, and food. This year, some of the PNE events include:

Both exhibitions are jam-packed with exciting activities and a thrilling summer send-off. They are a great way to spend time with family and friends while having the time of your life. The CNE and PNE might be the two biggest Labour Day events but they aren’t the only ones. No matter where you live, there will be events in cities across Canada. Many professional sports leagues also hold special games over the Labour Day Weekend.

With all of the exciting events that take place during the Labour Day holiday, remember to celebrate the workers, including immigrants, who built the country it is today and who continue to fight for workplace equity.

Indigenous People participate in the Calgary Stampede Parade, one of Canada's greatest summer festivals in 2024.
Indigenous Peoples participate in the Calgary Stampede Parade.

Canadians look forward to festivals and these 2024 summer festivals are worth checking out! Canada is home to some of the biggest and grandest festivals out there. New to Canada? Explore some of its most thrilling festivals. From rodeos to music to fireworks, these 2024 summer festivals are sure to please!

Check out these Exciting Summer Festivals in 2024

Montreal International Jazz Festival | Montreal, Quebec

June 27 – July 6, 2024

The Festival International de Jazz de Montréal has been thrilling music lovers since its first festival in 1980. It takes place in the heart of downtown Montreal, in the Quartier des Spectacles. In addition to jazz, this festival offers more than 350 shows and more than two-thirds are free. Check out some of the headliners at the 44th edition of the jazzfest!

A cowboy rides a bucking bronco at the Calgary Stampede, Alberta, Canada

Calgary Stampede | Calgary, Alberta

July 5 – 14, 2024

Calgary, and Western Canada in general, has a long farming history. And, most aspects of people’s lives revolved around running the family farm before Canada became a country. Specifically, cattle ranches were the most common type of farm present around Calgary and most of Alberta. So to embrace its modest origins, Calgary hosts a ten-day summer festival each year known as the Calgary Stampede.

The Calgary Stampede is the biggest rodeo event in Canada and among the top rodeos in North America. And, the main attraction is the tournament-style rodeo events.

It also has many other fun activities. Experience the Calgary Stampede PowWow that highlights the diversity of First Nations dancing, singing, and drumming. Or, visit the Stage of Wonders and Le Cirque de la Nuit’s STARSLINGERS. This summer festival provides a range of shows, music, food and drink, and plenty of attractions that the whole family will enjoy.

Discover what the Calgary Stampede has to offer this summer!

Fireworks competition in Vancouver, British Columbia over English Bay.

Honda Celebration of Light, 2024 | Vancouver, BC

July 20, 24, 27, 2024

The Honda Celebration of Light is the biggest fireworks competition in the world. It is also the longest-running offshore fireworks competition in the world. In 2024, three countries will compete: Portugal (July 20), Malaysia (July 24), and United Kingdom (July 27). The fireworks take place over English Bay in Vancouver, British Columbia. Morton Park, which is close, will host live music events, food trucks, and activities for everyone.

For more details about this spectacular summer festival, visit the festival guide.

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Canada Day 2024! Celebrating Canada’s 157th Birthday

Caribana is an exciting summer festival in 2024 that takes place in Canada. A highlight is the stunning Caribbean costumes such as the ones these women wear.
A highlight of this summer festival is the stunning Caribbean costumes.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival (Caribana) | Toronto, Ontario

August 1 – 4, 2024

It is only fitting that Canada’s largest festival takes place in Toronto, its largest city. Caribana is North America’s largest carnival. Also known as the Toronto Caribbean Carnival this event celebrates Caribbean culture. The highly-anticipated carnival represents almost all Caribbean cultures and gets its unique theme from all Caribbean Islands.

The festival is now officially known as Toronto Caribbean Carnival. Many know the festival as, “Caribana”, which is what you get when you mix the words, “Caribbean”, and “Canada”. At this summer festival, you’ll discover anything and everything Caribbean. From Caribbean music to food, the carnival has something for everyone. After all, it is the largest carnival in North America.

Some other things you can expect are people in Caribbean clothing and costumes, Caribbean dances, and other traditions found in the Caribbean Islands. To learn more, check out the Caribana Toronto guide.

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Edmonton Heritage Festival | Edmonton, Alberta

Aug 3 – 5, 2024

Canada has achieved what so many countries have failed to in the past. That achievement is building a culturally accepting environment where people from different backgrounds can live together peacefully. To celebrate this achievement, Edmonton hosts the largest celebration of multiculturalism in the world.

The Edmonton Heritage Festival is a fun and light-hearted three-day event that celebrates the beautiful cultures in our country. The festival represents over 60 nations that each set up outdoor pavilions at Edmonton Exhibition Lands and Borden Parks. From traditional live music to iconic cultural foods, the Edmonton Heritage Festival has something for everyone. It is a great way to have some fun while also learning about the wonderful cultures that make up Canada.

Summer is about relaxing, spending time with loved ones, and having fun! Whether you attend a large summer festival or take a walk in the park, make sure to enjoy the wonderful events that Canada has to offer.

These are just some of the many summer festivals taking place in 2024. Each part of Canada has its unique way of celebrating the summer. To search for other summer festivals in 2024, check out some of these events and celebrations in local communities. 

Discover more about living and settling in Canada successfully.

Every year, Canadians start their summer by celebrating Canada Day on July 1. The holiday marks the anniversary of Confederation, the event that created Canada. This nationwide holiday brings people across the country together to celebrate the wonderful things Canada offers including its diversity and culture. Canada Day, 2024, will mark Canada’s 157th birthday. 

In 2024, Canada’s population surpassed 41,000,000 (click on Canada’s real-time population clock to see how the demographics change). A large part of the growth is due to international migration. That’s a great testament to the appeal of Canada as an attractive place for newcomers. Canada Day is a great time for newcomers to celebrate your new home!

Before Canada

It’s mind-boggling how young Canada is in the grand scheme of things. Just two centuries ago, our beloved country didn’t even exist. Instead, the land was a jumble of territories known as British North America. It consisted of British colonies, a vast stretch known as Rupert’s Land, and was largely uninhabited.

The United States had already united to form a country. Many people at the time thought it was looking to expand north. The leaders of that time started to realize that it might be better to unite into one country rather than face external threats alone. Leaders such as Sir John A. Macdonald, George Brown, and Sir George-Étienne Cartier got together to discuss the idea of a union.

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The History Behind July 1

After many discussions, four British colonies decided to unite. On July 1, 1867, the colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario) got together to form the Dominion of Canada. This event is known as confederation. Every year, we celebrate the anniversary of confederation or “Dominion Day” on July 1st. This year, Canada Day 2024 will celebrate the 157th anniversary of the confederation.

Fun Fact: To this day, Canada’s official name is “Dominion of Canada.” The complete name is wordy, so we shorten it to Canada.

Although Canada originally consisted of four provinces, more British colonies opted to join the Dominion of Canada following the confederation. Newfoundland and Labrador was the last province to join Canada in 1949. Canada, as we know it today, became complete with the addition of Nunavut, when it joined as a territory in 1999. 

Why Do We Call it Canada Day?

The July 1 holiday was not always called Canada Day. Even though Canada became a country in 1867, it did not gain full autonomy and was still under British rule. While July 1 officially became a holiday in 1879, it wasn’t widely celebrated or called Canada Day. When Canada gained complete independence in 1982, July 1 became Canada Day, the holiday we know and love today. 

Two young children celebrate Canada Day by dressing in red and white.
To celebrate Canada Day, it’s common to dress in red and white!

Canada Day 2024 Celebrations

While Canada Day started as a small and modest holiday, it has evolved into something magnificent. Today, it is one of the most beloved holidays in the country. July 1 is synonymous with large festivals and vibrant fireworks. The summer solstice marks the official start of summer, but for most Canadians, it begins on Canada Day!

From Canada’s West Coast to the East Coast festivals and fireworks occur in small towns and large cities! Such events may include picnics, bonfires, sporting events, parades, water activities (it’s July), and more delicious food. More importantly, these festivals are a great way to spend time with family and friends and meet new people in your community. It’s common for people to dress in red and white to mark the occasion!

A large crowd is gathered to watch the Canada Day fireworks display on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Canada Day 2023 will celebrate the country's 156th birthday.
A large crowd gathers on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to celebrate!

Celebrating Canada Day in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital Region

Canada Day festivals generally occur in vast, public places such as large parks or beaches. These festivals are enormous and have activities for everyone. The biggest Canada Day celebration occurs in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital Region.

Newcomers at a Canada Day Citizenship Ceremony.
Newcomers at a Canada Day Citizenship Ceremony.

Taking the Oath of Citizenship

New Canadians from around the world celebrate Canada Day by swearing the Oath of Citizenship at citizenship ceremonies across the country. These ceremonies are a proud moment and accomplishment for the people who have worked hard to attain citizenship.

I’ve had people sob when they received their citizenship. People grab me and kiss me. It’s so humbling”

irene pfeiffer, honourary citizenship judge

Is Canada Day 2024 a Statutory Holiday?

Canada Day is a national statutory holiday, meaning most employees get the day off. You will receive statutory holiday pay that is the same as a day’s work. Some businesses remain open, and essential care workers must work on statutory holidays. However, if you must work, you will receive premium pay at 1½ to 2 times your regular pay. If you are not scheduled to work on Canada Day, you can take the next day off while receiving holiday pay.

All government institutions, post offices, and federally regulated banks close on Canada Day.

Oversized umbrella provides shade to people sitting on the grass beside a lake.

What if Canada Day Falls on a Weekend?

When Canada Day falls on a weekend, the holiday will move to the following Monday. That is because Saturday and Sunday are not regular working days for most employees. As a result, Canada Day bumps the next weekday. However, some provinces have different policies about when they celebrate the holiday.

While all provinces and territories recognize Canada Day as a statutory holiday, not all will move Canada Day to a weekday. Some provinces and territories don’t have a rule that shifts Canada to a weekday if July 1 falls on a weekend.

Canada Day in 2024 falls on Monday, July 1.

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Canada’s greatest strength is its diversity and July 1 is about celebrating your identity as a proud Canadian. For newcomers, what a great way to celebrate summer, blue skies, long days, and our new home and life! Wishing you all Happy Canada Day!

Visit Settling in Canada for more information to help you settle in Canada with confidence!

Father’s Day in Canada is a special occasion that many countries around the world celebrate. This special day honours and recognizes fathers and father figures such as stepfathers and adoptive fathers. Father’s Day is a time to appreciate the contributions, sacrifices, and love that fathers provide to their families. Discover when Father’s Day is, traditions, and activities to ensure a happy celebration!

History of Father’s Day

Father’s Day began as a humble celebration in Spokane, Washington and the first event was celebrated on June 19, 1910. It was initiated by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd. Today, more than 100 countries including Canada celebrate the day.

When’s Father’s Day?

Each year we celebrate Father’s Day in Canada on the third Sunday of June. This year it’s on June 16, 2024. The day recognizes the contributions of fathers to their families and society. Because of this, the day is marked by various traditions and activities that bring families together. The day reminds us how important our father figures are, and how they are always ready to handle everyday problems to meet the needs of their family.

Father’s Day Traditions in Canada

Father’s Day is a time to create memories full of love and joy. Here are common traditions in Canada.

Happy Father’s Day Family Gathering and Meal

The main focus of this day is show our fathers how much we appreciate and value them. A family gathering and meal is the most common tradition on Father’s Day in Canada. Family gatherings show how much we appreciate our dads and it can be a cozy dinner at home or a grand barbecue in the backyard. Gatherings fill the atmosphere with love, laughter, and affection as fathers are with their families and loved ones.

Gift Giving 

Gift-giving is a beloved tradition to celebrate your father. Traditional gifts include books, clothes, gadgets and tools. However, the best gift is the one that has thought behind it. Your gift should be unique and only you know what the perfect gift is for your father figure. Personalized gifts like homemade cards and custom-made photo albums are a great idea. Also, gifts that reflect your father’s interests and hobbies can be a great choice too. The whole purpose of giving gifts is to make fathers feel appreciated, supported and loved.

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Attending Events

Father’s Day events are a great way to do something fun with your family. No matter where you are in Canada, there is surely an event taking place near you. Not only that, but you can also find events that will be of interest to your father. If your father is a big fan of cars, you can spend the day at a care show. On the other hand, attending a baseball game could be the move if he enjoys sports.

Things to Do for Father’s Day in Canada

Canada is a vast country full of beautiful landscapes and natural beauty, and this allows for many fun outdoor activities to celebrate the day.


Fishing is a popular dad activity. Fathers and their children can spend the day at a river, lake or coastal area trying to catch fish. It can be a relaxing and healthy activity for families and you could potentially catch your dinner! Many provinces such as Ontario allow people to fish for free without a basic fishing license during Father’s Day weekend.

Hiking and Camping

Families can head to walking trails and provincial parks to enjoy a day in nature with their dads. Families can also go hiking and camping to explore Canada’s stunning beauty and wilderness areas. 

These activities offer an opportunity to bond with nature and family while also providing fresh air and healthy exercise.

Other Activities

Celebrate Your Culture

Canada is a multicultural country with diverse cultures from all around the world. Because of this diversity, Canada is home to many unique customs and traditions for this special day. For example, families of Asian and African descent enjoy special feasts for their fathers. Likewise, many families of European ancestry tend to enjoy picnics and outdoor activities with their fathers. On the other hand, First Nations communities like to perform traditional ceremonies like storytelling and honouring the roles of fathers.

Watch Sports

Families can watch a game together as it is a great way to celebrate the day. Families gather to watch their favourite sports team on TV, whether it’s the Stanley Cup, baseball, or cricket.

Visit A Museum

If your father loves history and science, a visit to a museum can be a great activity. Not only is visiting a museum fun, but it is also an educational experience.

A family is sitting on a sofa watching a movie and eating popcorn to celebrate Father's Day.

Enjoy a Family Movie Night

Family movie nights are fun and they are also a great happy Dad’s Day activity. A nice family film can be an enjoyable activity for the whole family, whether it be at home or a movie theatre.

Dine Out

Taking your dad out to a family dinner at a nice restaurant offers great food and a way to bond as a family. As a bonus, many restaurants in Canada provide special Happy Father’s Day menus and deals.

Father’s Day in Canada is special. It is all about celebrating and honouring fathers for the roles they play in families and communities. Whether through giving gifts, planning fun outdoor activities, or spending time together, there are many ways to make your father figures feel special. These activities and traditions help create lasting memories and show fathers how much they mean to us. Happy Father’s Day to all the special dads who make the day worth celebrating!

A camp counsellor is helping is helping young kids get into a kayak on a lake. Her summer student job is helping her earn extra income.

Finding the perfect summer job as a newcomer high school student in Canada can be both exciting and daunting. As the school year winds down and the summer approaches, many high school students are eager to gain valuable work experience. These summer jobs offer students a chance to acquire new skills, build friendships, and save for future plans. If you know where to look, Canada has many wonderful opportunities for summer employment that students take advantage of. Let’s dive into some summer job search tips to help you find the perfect summer job.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Summer Job in Canada?

The minimum age for employment in Canada is 14 years old. This means that you can legally be employed the moment you turn 14. However, many businesses set the minimum age to 15 or 16 so it could be tough looking for a traditional summer job at 14. Don’t be discouraged though, because it is common for youth under 15 years to find jobs such as babysitting, dog walking, yard work, and tutoring.

What Are the Advantages of Summer Jobs for Students?

A young male teenager is smiling and shaking hands during an interview for a summer job in Canada

As a student, your first job will likely be in the summer. Summer jobs are great because they allow students to earn money while also having time to enjoy their summer break. Here are some of the advantages of getting a summer job:

Develop Job Skills:

Summer jobs are a great way for students to develop a wide range of professional skills. They provide students with hands-on experience, helping them build practical skills essential for success in the workplace.

Build Your Resume:

Having experience is key in today’s competitive job market. Once you finish school and start looking for a full-time job, a good resume can go a long way in advancing your career. Working a summer job as a student will help you add depth to your resume and show future employers that you can thrive in the work environment. 

Build Your Network:

Building good relationships with colleagues and supervisors during your summer job can open doors to future employment opportunities.

Personal Growth:

Summer jobs often present challenges that encourage personal growth. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles, adapting to new environments, or learning to collaborate as a team, these experiences will contribute to your overall growth and resilience.

Earn Extra Income with Your Summer Student Job:

Summer employment can help you earn income whether you want extra spending money or to save for college or university. The income you earn from your summer job can help you save for your post-secondary education.

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Eight Tips to Write a Canadian-Style Resume

7 Summer Job Search Tips for Students

Newspaper ad displaying summer job vacancies

While there are many summer employment opportunities for students, the market can be quite competitive. To be successful in your job search, it is important to be equipped with the best tips and strategies before entering the job market. Here are some tips to help you enter the market head first and land the perfect summer job for you.

1. Start Looking for Summer Jobs Early

Starting your job search early is an essential tip. Many employers start hiring high school students for the summer as early as February or March. When you start early, you have more time to check out different job options, fill out applications, and even schedule interviews before all the positions are filled.

2. Explore Your Network and Connections

Do not underestimate the power of networking when searching for a summer job. Talk to your family members, friends, teachers, and neighbours to inquire about potential job openings. Networking can often lead to hidden job opportunities that may not be advertised publicly.

3. Utilize Online Resources

The internet is a valuable tool to find job opportunities. You can use online job boards, social media platforms, and company websites to search for job openings and submit applications. Job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn can help you browse jobs near you.

Canada’s Youth Job Bank is particularly beneficial for students seeking a summer job.

4. Work On Your Resume

When you apply for jobs, it’s important to customize your resume. Likely, you won’t have any work experience, so make sure to mention any volunteer work, clubs, or extracurricular activities you have participated in. These activities demonstrate that you are capable and have a work ethic.

5. Look Out for Seasonal Jobs

A young girl is serving ice cream to a customer from an ice cream fridge.

Some industries see a surge in demand for workers during the summer months. It is a good idea to apply to places like amusement parks, recreation centres, summer camps, ice cream shops, and restaurants. They often need extra help because more people visit them during the summer.

6. Remain Flexible

When looking for a summer job, it is a good idea to remain flexible. Be open to different kinds of jobs as well as your flexibility when it comes to working hours. Even if you have a certain job or field in mind, being flexible and considering other options can increase your chances of finding a job. 

7. Follow Up and Stay in Touch with Employers

Remember to check back with the employer after you apply for a job or attend an interview. Send a thank-you email or call them to show that you’re still interested in the job and to remind them about your skills. Following up like this demonstrates your professionalism and enthusiasm for the job. Moreover, it can leave a positive impression on employers.

Securing summer employment as a newcomer high school student in Canada requires proactive effort and thoughtful planning. Starting your search early, networking, remaining flexible, and following up with employers are all key factors to maximize your chances of finding the ideal summer job. So roll up your sleeves, follow these tips, and embark on your summer job hunt with full energy and confidence!