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Benefits of Volunteering for Newcomers

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Dec 4, 2020

Life in Canada

Benefits of volunteering

There are many benefits of volunteering for newcomers to Canada. Volunteering can help you learn more about and engage with your local community, and it’s an important part of Canadian culture. Every day, Canadians donate their time, energy, and money to help certain causes that they feel strongly about. They give back to their communities, without expecting anything in return.

According to the recent Statistics Canada report, over 12.7 million Canadians volunteered their time in 2018. They contributed a total of 1.6 billion hours of their time. This is equivalent to almost 858,000 full-time jobs carried out throughout the year.

Many Canadian non-profit and charitable organizations have limited budgets and rely on volunteers to achieve their objectives. So volunteers play an essential role in local communities. As a newcomer, you may know only a few people when you arrive. Making friends as an adult can be challenging for some, especially when there are cultural differences. Volunteering is a comfortable and easy way to meet like-minded people.  It’s a popular way for newcomers and Canadian-born people to make friends.  The best thing is to get out there, talk to people, and get to know fellow Canadians.

Get Started to Volunteer

There are many volunteer opportunities, but you may be unsure about which organization you should volunteer for and in what capacity.

First, make a list of the skills you want to gain. Think about the causes you are interested in. Then, decide how much time you can set aside for volunteering.

Some examples of volunteer roles include:

  • Fundraising
  • Raising awareness
  • Organizing events
  • Managing donations
  • Planting trees
  • Cleaning beaches.
  • Some examples of causes include:
  • Women’s rights
  • Refugee welfare
  • Healthcare
  • Environment, and many more.

Applying for a volunteer position is just like applying for a job. You will be asked to submit a resume, so have one ready. Depending on the focus area you are volunteering for, you might be asked to provide references. When working with vulnerable persons, you must undergo a background check.

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Five Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering benefits the people you are helping and also benefits you. Here are some of the benefits of volunteering:

1.    Network with Others 

Volunteering is a great way to socialize, meet new people, and make new friends. Even though you come from diverse backgrounds as other volunteers, you share a common passion for giving back to society. This helps you develop personal and professional relationships with other volunteers. Volunteering will strengthen your ties to your local community and Canadian society.

2.    Enhance Mental & Physical Health as a Benefit of Volunteering 

When you help others, you’ll feel good about making a difference in society.

While volunteering, you are interacting with other volunteers. This will help you develop a strong support system and combat depression and loneliness. Reduce your stress and anxiety by working with children and animals because they can instantly elevate your mood.

Whenever you find yourself stuck with nothing meaningful to look forward to, think about why you are volunteering. This will help you find your purpose in life. Volunteering can make you feel good knowing that you are helping others and showing that you care about your new community in Canada.

3.    Volunteer as a Family Activity

Children can also benefit from volunteering. Children learn through observation. As a parent, you can be a good role model by showing your children how you make a difference in society. Your children will learn compassionate and positive behaviour from you. This will motivate them to volunteer. Similarly, they will gain valuable Canadian work experience while they are studying.

Your children will also get a chance to interact with other volunteers and make new friends. This also makes it easier to adapt to Canadian culture.

When you move to Canada, you might want to keep expenses low and have fun as a family. Volunteering as a family is a great way to spend quality time together without spending money.

4.    Advance Your Career as a Benefit of Volunteering

This may be a surprise when employers ask you for Canadian work experience or a Canadian portfolio of work. You might wonder, how can I gain Canadian work experience if nobody gives me a chance to work in Canada? This is the biggest benefit of volunteering for newcomers. You can gain work experience and build a Canadian work portfolio by volunteering.

While you are looking for a job in your field, volunteer experience on your resume will bridge the gaps and show activity.  You’ll stand out among other applicants and demonstrate to employers that you’re interested in important causes.

In addition, if you want to learn a new skill, you can get your feet wet by volunteering. Some roles require that volunteers have certification like first-aid, CPR, etc. If this is within your area of interest, the non-profit organization may give you the resources to gain these certificates.

A reference check is an important part of the recruitment process. While volunteering, your supervisor will see the quality of your work and can vouch for your work as a reference.

If you want to volunteer to gain Canadian work experience, it’s important to volunteer strategically. Think about what you want to achieve to get the most out of your volunteer experience.

5.    Improve Your Language Skills

If English or French is not your first language, you will get a chance to speak with volunteers in English or French. While interacting with other volunteers, your language and communication skills will improve. So you’ll also gain the confidence to speak with others and have a meaningful conversation.

Volunteering might be unheard of in several societies. However, in Canada, it is a way of life. Volunteering will be fun and rewarding and not another chore, as long as you enjoy doing what you do.



© Prepare for Canada 2025

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