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How to Start Your Job Search Before You Arrive in Canada

Activities to help you with your job search in Canada before you arrive.

Written By

Corinna Frattini

Dec 9, 2020

Job Search

If you’re moving to Canada, you’re likely thinking about how you can start your job search before you arrive. And that’s smart!

When you start your job search before you arrive, you’ll improve your chances of landing a job in your chosen field.

So here are four activities to help you get focused!

  1. Start your job search by researching the Canadian job market
    You likely have plenty of skills, knowledge, and experience that Canadian employers will find attractive. But, if there is little labour demand in your field, it may take longer than you expect to find a job that you will find satisfying.

    When you start your job search, it’s important to conduct labour market research. That way, you can learn what provinces and cities have a greater need for your skills and knowledge. For example, you may find that smaller cities or northern communities have a greater demand for skilled labour. Larger cities such as Calgary, Toronto, or Vancouver will likely have jobs in your field, but the job market may be more competitive. In addition, smaller cities may offer other benefits such as:

    – Lower cost of living

    – Reduced competition for jobs

    When you conduct labour market research, find out about the:

    – Workforce overview for your profession

    – Labour market trends

    – Demographics that may be affecting your industry (for example, more people are leaving the workforce as the population ages, creating a labour demand in many industries).

    Some important questions to consider:

    What trends that may impact the industry?
    Are there new growth areas within the industry in Canada?
    What skills, knowledge, or experience do you have that will be highly valued or in demand?
    Are there skills and knowledge that you may have to acquire or develop?

  2. Take advantage of pre-arrival settlement services to start your job search
    There are many pre-arrival services designed to help immigrants to Canada. Settlement services help newcomers adjust to life in Canada, and this includes help with employment services.

    Some examples of pre-arrival services related to working in Canada include:

    – Finding job search tools and resources
    – Preparing your resume for the Canadian workplace
    – Getting your credentials recognized
    – Finding labour market trends for your industry in Canada

    You can find information about occupation, or sector-specific organizations that can help you with your job search. For example, the British Columbia Construction Association Integrating Newcomers program matches people with a construction background to jobs across the province, even before you arrive in Canada! There are many free programs like this that are funded by the Canadian government and are free to join.
  3. Improve or enhance your language skillsMature students learning computer skills
  4. Canada has two official languages: English and French. If you can communicate in either one or both of these languages, that’s a huge asset. However, you may need to improve or enhance your language skills to be more effective in the workplace.

    You may want to take language classes before you leave, and continue after you arrive in Canada. Most professions use jargon that can make it difficult for newcomers in the workplace. When you arrive in Canada, you can take language training that is specific to your job or occupation. Language training is available for different occupations including:

    – Health care
    – Information technology
    – Business, and
    – Other occupations

    Your language skills will be essential to find work in your field and to perform well in the workplace. When you complete language training that is specific to your occupation, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with your clients, co-workers, and managers.
  5. Use LinkedIn to approach recruiters to help you start your job search
  6. LinkedIn Profile Professional Brand
  7. While it can be a little more difficult to search for a job when you haven’t yet arrived in Canada, it’s still possible to begin the process. One way to begin is to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn to make initial contact. To work in Canada, you’ll need a Social Insurance Number and you can only apply for that once you have arrived.

    If you connect with recruiters in Canada, be clear about:

    – when and where you expect to arrive in Canada
    – what industry and types of jobs you’re searching for
    – your career goals and professional strengths

    Recruiters may be willing to work with candidates who have not yet arrived, especially for job fields that are in high demand such as IT and the financial sector. This is where your labour market research comes into play. If you know where labour shortages exist, you can use this to your advantage.

    Recruiters may want to conduct an initial screening interview by video conference to assess your:

    – strengths, skills, and knowledge
    – communication skills
    – body language and professional style

    As with any job search, it takes time, persistence, and effort. You may find it easier to start your job search once you have arrived, but at least you can start to make connections.

    So while it may involve more work to land a job from abroad, you can start your search before you arrive in Canada. And when you get a head start, you’ll reduce the length of your job search and set yourself up for career success!

Working in Canada | How To Get Your First Job In Canada

Are you moving to Canada soon or already here? Do you need to find a job? Would you like to find good resources for finding employment in Canada? If so, join us for a free webinar where you can ask an expert your questions. We’ll discuss what you can do to make yourself more marketable to potential employers.



Corinna Frattini

Senior Editor, Prepare for Canada

Corinna Frattini is the Senior Editor and Content Director for Prepare for Canada. She contributes articles to help newcomers achieve their goals in key areas related to living, working, and settling in Canada. With an extensive background in human resources and leadership development, her articles focus on what Canadian employers seek and how newcomers can continue their careers in Canada.

© Prepare for Canada 2025

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