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Top 8 Things You Need to Know Before You Go to Canada!

Written By

Corinna Frattini

Dec 4, 2019

Top 8 things to know before you go to Canada
Checklist of top 8 things to know before you go to Canada

There are many activities to prepare to move, and here are the top 8 things you need to know before you go to Canada.

1. Get all your papers ready

Starting from your educational documents, birth, and marriage or divorce documents. Driver’s license, valuables, good to follow all critical. Learn more about additional documents to carry to Canada.

2. Research your location

Most immigrants go to where they have a close or distant relative which is good, but not ideal from a career perspective. Find out the labour market demand for your profession and choose your location accordingly. Remember, with Canada being so big (second largest country in the world by landmass!) once you land moving becomes pretty expensive.

3. Research your career

Is your occupation regulated or unregulated in Canada? If it is regulated, you have to go through the process of getting your credentials recognized, do remember that this changes from one Province to another. In other words, if you move from Ontario to British Columbia you need to see whether your credentials still meet the requirements.

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For information, tools, free webinars, and more visit our Finding a Job in Canada resource page. Get the help you need to achieve your career goals in Canada!


4. Choose your landing time if you can

I hear of so many who land in December or January when the weather challenges will distract you from the whole settlement process. Additionally, that is not a time you want to be going out looking for a job. The ideal time is mid-year when it is summer and just right before schools open in September. You get to go familiarize yourself in a new city, connect with a settlement agency and hopefully make friends!

Choose your landing time
Lake Ramsey, Sudbury, Ontario

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5. Get your finances organized

Settle all of your financial affairs before you come to Canada. This will reduce the stress of having to deal with any outstanding bill payments, or other financial issues when you arrive in Canada. Learn about other financial steps to take before you leave for Canada.

6. Have realistic expectations

Many immigrants migrate at the peak of their career and, understandably, want to pick up where they left off when they move to Canada. Have realistic expectations, but aim for the sky.

You may have to accept a position at a lower level. It may feel like you’re stepping back, but with high performance in your job, employers will recognize your skills, talents, and experience. It may not be realistic to expect that you will start at the same point in your career when you arrive in Canada.

7. Understand your strengths and weaknesses

Not exclusive to migrants, fully understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses and being truly self-aware is not always easy. As human beings, we often find it difficult to face up to reality, accept when we’re wrong, admit to making mistakes, and acknowledge we may not be very good at something. To thrive in a new country, it’s critical to put down your defences and to objectively reassess your skills in a new light — a Canadian light.

8. Seek Help and Advice

The first thing you should do is connect with a credentialing service that will help you get started on having your education qualifications recognized. Next, ask for assistance from the many immigrant settlement agencies. They will help you with an accurate self-assessment of your soft skills which you can elaborate on in job cover letters and interviews. And don’t just stop there! Get a mentor, start networking within your profession and get on your way to success one step at a time.

For more information, tools, and free webinars about living in Canada visit our Settling in Canada resource page. We’ll help you to settle in Canada successfully!


Corinna Frattini

Senior Editor, Prepare for Canada

Corinna Frattini is the Senior Editor and Content Director for Prepare for Canada. She contributes articles to help newcomers achieve their goals in key areas related to living, working, and settling in Canada. With an extensive background in human resources and leadership development, her articles focus on what Canadian employers seek and how newcomers can continue their careers in Canada.

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