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Home / Living / Housing / Children Sharing Bedrooms in Canada: Rules and Guidelines
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Dec 20, 2023
The National Occupancy Standard (NOS) supports the design and evaluation of housing policies and programs in Canada. It is a reference point for “suitable” housing to inform how many people could reasonably live in a dwelling based on the number of bedrooms. While newcomers want to know the “rules” about children sharing bedrooms, the NOS is NOT a rule to determine if a dwelling unit can be rented to a family. Rather, the standard refers to criteria to assess if housing is suitable.
According to the NOS, a private household has suitable housing when there are enough bedrooms for family members based on age, gender, and relationships among household members.
The following criteria can help you assess whether or not a dwelling is suitable for your family:
When homes are overcrowded, it may contribute to health and safety issues, and privacy concerns. Furthermore, crowded households indicate that a lack of affordable housing exists in Canada. Given the current housing supply issue, the Canadian government is introducing housing programs to increase the housing supply and provide cost relief.
The NOS can help you determine the number of bedrooms to ensure suitable housing. The house size depends on your family’s size and structure. For example, if you have a family of six with two parents and four daughters, you can select a three-bedroom room. However, if you have three sons and one daughter, you may need four bedrooms.
However, you’ll also have to consider other factors such as affordability, cultural conventions, and how urgently you require housing. Once you determine how many bedrooms you require based on your family size, you can use this information to begin your housing search. Or, you can work with a real estate agent who can help you search for suitable housing based on this information.
If you have a large family, suitable accommodation will require more bedrooms. This, in turn, will increase the cost of accommodation.
Ideally, it’s up to you and your family to decide how many bedrooms you will need based on your circumstances and budget. It’s also important to know that landlords cannot refuse to rent out their property because of the size of your family. The NOS is not a basis to discriminate against prospective tenants. No organization enforces the standard.
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Sharing a bedroom can contribute to lower housing costs and hydro costs In addition, siblings who share a room spend more time with each other and develop a closer relationship. Children who share a room learn how to compromise and accommodate others. However, when friends come over, sharing a room can cause conflicts among siblings.
Having separate bedrooms requires a bigger home, and higher housing costs. At the same time, hydro and utility costs will increase.
If siblings share a room and are of different ages, their bedtimes might differ. Or, concentrating on studies could become a challenge when siblings have conflicting schedules for study and playtime.
If siblings sharing a bedroom have different standards such as cleanliness, neatness, and organization, it can lead to conflicts. If siblings are of different genders, privacy would be an issue, especially when dressing.
When deciding the size of the house, think about your budget. You should be able to afford the property you will live in, including the cost of utilities. There are ways to create separate spaces by adding curtains and room separators.
To ensure safety, privacy, and sanity, consider the ages of your children, their gender, and their personalities.
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Best London, Ontario Neighbourhoods For Renting
Finding the Right Home in Canada: A Guide for Newcomers
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Roommate Living in Canada: How to Share a Home as a Newcomer