For newcomers, carefully managing your finances is vitally important, especially if you have not yet landed your ideal job. And, settlement agencies suggest that it can take up to six months to land a job that matches your skills and experiences. In the meantime, managing your finances and spending can serve to reduce stress and financial pressure. In addition, managing your finances well will help you build your Canadian credit history and influence your credit score. Here, we’ll explore how you can create a budget for some of the main expenses you will have to cover in Canada. So where to start, which is essential to achieving future loans! You need to establish your Canadian credit history because it will be important for many reasons including buying your first home.
One of the most important factors in your financial situation is not how much you earn, but rather how much you spend. But, many Canadians get caught in too much debt, trying to “keep up with the neighbours” — in other words, buying everything you want, from cars to electronics, even if you can’t afford it. Overspending can get you caught in a trap that you want to avoid.
Create a Budget to Manage Your Personal Finances
To manage your personal finances, you can prepare a budget. with the following costs in mind. But the cost of living in Canada depends greatly on the city in which you choose to settle and on the size of your family. Large cities attract the bulk of new immigrants and offer the most job opportunities, however, living costs are also higher. Here are some of the basic expenses that you can keep in mind to help you manage your finances:
Rent Payments
Newcomers often rent an apartment as their first means of accommodation. Typically, rent prices for a small one-bedroom apartment begin at $700 and can be as high as $2,500 per month depending on the city you choose to settle in.
When renting, make sure that you conduct thorough research on the apartment building and its surroundings and then outline the positives and negatives to see if it is the right place for you. Perhaps the property is close to amenities like shops, swimming pools, libraries, and public transport which depending on your requirements may make it an attractive option for you.
Our Rentals for Newcomers site is a practical and easy-to-navigate site that can help you find housing that meets your unique needs! And you can even determine the average costs of rentals in cities across Canada. This is helpful since rental prices change often. You’ll also find some helpful articles related to housing in Canada.
You will need to budget for the cost of utilities such as electricity (hydro), heating, telephone, cable, and internet.
Many rentals include heating and some include even hydro in the cost of the rent. If you have to pay for electricity, you can ask the landlord what you expect to pay every month. But, your bill will also depend on usage and time of day.
When it comes to internet, cable, and telephone, the best option is to shop for bundles (combined service plans) from different telecom providers in your area. A bundle can cost anywhere between $60 per month to more than $100 per month. Or, check out streaming services that can be less expensive than cable television.
Cell phone plans range from $15 per month to more than $150, depending on the number of free minutes and text messages and the data usage limits. Voicemail activation usually costs extra. You can start with a basic plan and upgrade according to your needs.
While not a bill per se, the cost of doing laundry will be similar from one month to the next. Apartment buildings come with laundry rooms with coin or card-operated washing machines. A washing cycle costs between $2.25 to $3.50 depending on the length, and a dryer cycle has a similar cost.
Even if you are renting, it’s a good idea to purchase renter’s insurance to protect you against damage and theft. The insurance can cost up to a few hundred dollars a year. Auto insurance is $1,000 or more a year.
Depending on your province, you may also have to pay health insurance premiums, which vary from province to province and according to the size of your family. You will also need to factor in the premiums for any private health insurance you may choose to buy.
Public transit is probably the most affordable to travel within your city. And, all cities offer affordable travel options such as buses, trains, subways, light-rail trains, and streetcars. A monthly transit pass can cost anywhere between $70 to more than $150 depending on the city and the number of travel routes that it covers. In large cities, such as Toronto, the public transit system covers the broader Greater Toronto Area, and you can easily transfer from one mode of transportation to another.
To use public transit, you can purchase individual tickets starting at $2.50, but you can use a transfer at the start of your destination to transfer to different modes of transportation. In other words, you only have to pay once at the start of your destination. You can also buy transit passes that allow you unlimited transit use for a period of time. Some cities offer an electric fare payment system that allows you to load money onto a card to make travelling easier and at a discounted fare.
You can find specific fare information about public transit in your city by visiting the website of your city government, or the public transit system.
Food and Other Groceries
The cost of your food bill will depend largely on your dietary limitations and personal standards, but also on the area in which you live. The stores and supermarkets in popular posh areas will be more expensive and will offer more high-quality gourmet and organic products, while cheaper areas will have more low-cost options. Food can set you back anywhere from $100 per month for a single person to several hundred. Cooking at home and planning your meals will help to balance cost and nutrition.
In terms of personal care items and other supplies, costs can start at $1 at dollar stores, but you will often have to compromise on quality. Supermarkets have their own store brands that are usually cheaper than name brands and, in many cases, of comparable quality.
Again, your personal standards will have the final say when it comes to clothing. You should bring with you quality items that will last you for a while because clothes shopping is best kept until after you find employment. You can pay anywhere from a few dollars for an item of clothing at a cheap retailer or a thrift (second-hand) store to hundreds and even thousands at high-end designer stores. Read more about the types of clothing you’ll need in Canada.
Movie tickets can cost from $7 to $15 depending on the movie and the time of day. Most theatre tickets usually start at $20, and concerts of popular performers can cost well over $100. You can take advantage of local libraries to borrow DVDs and look for community theatres with free performances or performances by donation. It’s important to budget for entertainment, but this may be a personal finance area that you can cut back on if necessary.
Other Personal Finance Expenses
Big cities can be very tempting with their variety of cultures and cuisines, so you will probably want to treat yourself and your family to occasional restaurant outings. The costs can be anywhere from a few dollars per person at fast-food restaurants, to more than $50 per person at an average restaurant. Never forget to factor in the tip, which should be at least 15 to 20 percent of the bill.
Staying fit and healthy should always be a priority. Some rental buildings come with their own gyms and the price may be very low or included in the rent. If you plan to subscribe to a gym, always read the fine print. The monthly cost is usually $60 to $100, but most gyms charge introductory fees and substantial cancellation fees.
Personal care costs also cover the range from basic to luxury. Expect to pay at least $25 for a simple haircut (plus tip) and anywhere from $40 to $60 for a manicure.
If you’ve recently arrived in Canada, managing your personal finances carefully will help you to reduce financial stress until you find your first job. And, the strong personal finance habits that you follow during your first year in Canada will help you to achieve many of your long-term financial goals.
Are you looking to buy a franchise in Canada but are unsure if you can afford the costs? It’s true, an average middle-class salary alone probably won’t be enough to make your dream a reality. But, that doesn’t mean starting a franchise is impossible even on a limited budget. You just have to know where to find the help you need.
Franchise Start-Up Costs
Start-up costs vary widely and can range from as low as $10,000 to more than $1,000,000. A big factor is whether or not you need to own own or lease real estate for your franchise business. You can find the cost to open a franchise in the franchisor’s Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). Item 5 contains the initial or franchise fee, or the cost to join the franchise system. Item 7 lists additional start-up costs required such as real estate, equipment, inventory, signage, business licenses, and insurance.
You will also want to include a budget for professional fees for accounting and legal advice. It’s vital to speak to a franchise lawyer and financial advisor/business accountant before you sign a franchise agreement. They can help you to identify any legal or financial issues that may not be in your best interest.
How Much Can You Afford to Buy a Franchise?
To determine how much you can afford to invest in a franchise, you need to have a good understanding of your current finances. You can start by determining your net worth by compiling a balance sheet that lists all assets and liabilities. Some franchise experts advise that you should not invest more than 15% of your own money, but this percentage may vary. When you work with a financial advisor, they can help you determine how much of your own money you can afford to invest based on your financial situation.
Unless you are interested in a low-cost franchise, you will likely need to borrow the majority of the funds to purchase your business. In general, lenders require you to provide 20-25% of the total investment. For example, if you have $50,000 to invest, you can research franchise opportunities in the $200,000 range. Before you approach any lender, make sure you are current on all bill payments and correct any mistakes on your credit report.
How to Calculate Your Net Worth
It’s really quite simple to calculate your approximate net worth in three simple steps:
List your assets (what you own). This may include your:
– Savings – Retirement accounts – Market value of your house and car.
List your liabilities (what you owe). This may include your:
– Mortgage – Outstanding loans – Credit card debt
Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets and you’ve just calculated your approximate net worth.
Franchisors may have a minimum net worth requirement.
Borrowers with good credit and collateral may be able to get a traditional loan from a bank or credit union. Most lenders are more likely to offer financing for a franchise business because they are associated with an established brand that has been proven in the marketplace. However, if you are interested in investing in a lesser-known brand such as an emerging franchise, or don’t have a stellar credit rating or collateral, a traditional lender may not be an option and you will need to look elsewhere for funding.
Personal Savings
When financing their new business venture, many franchisees will use personal savings like registered accounts such as Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) to finance their new business. Some franchisees have used their homes as collateral to finance a franchise. But, the overall risk as well as tax implications often don’t make sense to finance a franchise in Canada in this manner.
Government Assistance Small Business Loans:
Small businesses (including franchises) looking to purchase or improve their assets for new or expanded operations could benefit from the Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP).
This government-sponsored loan program offers up to $1,000,000 ($350,000 for equipment and leasehold improvements). The program only finances equipment, leaseholds and real estate and can’t be applied to marketing costs, royalties, and franchise fees.
A key benefit is that 85% of the loan is guaranteed to the lending Bank by the Federal government. This means less risk to you, the borrower.
Other benefits include:
Various Floating Rates, Fixed Rates and Blended Rate Principal Plus Interest and Principal including Interest repayment options available to the borrower.
Attractive loan repayment terms ranging from 7 years on equipment, 10 years on leasehold improvement, and up to 15 years on real property loans
Business Loan Insurance Plan is available (certain conditions may apply)
The lender (bank) doesn’t provide this free and will usually charge:
a loan document preparation fee of around $175
a $100 loan application fee
a one-time-only Federal Government registration fee (2% of the loan amount which may be included in the amount borrowed)
a 1.25% Administration Fee included as part of your interest rate (not much, but something you have to factor into your debt repayment calculations).
Thinking Outside the Box
When more conventional lending sources can’t produce enough cash to fund your franchise start-up costs, you may need to look beyond traditional methods. An investor such as a family member, friend, or business partner may be willing to offer you funding as well. However, allowing others to invest can come with some strings attached.
Investors may require the ability to make decisions about the business and most will expect a return on their investment, which will cut your profits at first. Still, it may be worthwhile to take on investors if it allows you to get the franchise up and running.
No matter what kind of financing you choose, it’s important to get all the facts in advance so that you’re not caught off guard when it comes time to repay loans or investors down the line.
A limited budget does not have to mean postponing or giving up your plans to buy a franchise. By finding the right financing options to meet your needs you can buy a franchise now and take charge of your future.
Senior immigrants often face significant challenges when settling into Canada. Many struggle with language barriers, mobility issues, and feelings of isolation. They may rely heavily on their adult children who sponsored them to come to Canada, but this can lead to feelings of being taken advantage of, such as being overused for babysitting. Additionally, some may feel disconnected from their children and grandchildren as they adapt to Canadian society.
However, there is good news. Many elderly immigrants find comfort in connecting with others who are in similar positions. They often organize events or meetings tailored to their age group or ethnic background. For instance, in Vancouver, a group of retired Russian people runs a chess club that hosts weekly tournaments. To find similar groups and programs, seniors can turn to their local ethnic newspapers or immigrant settlement agencies. These resources offer a variety of activities, ranging from outdoor outings to weekly dance classes to English lessons.
It is crucial for senior immigrants to actively engage with their community and explore all that Canada has to offer. By doing so, they can enhance their quality of life and find a sense of belonging in their new home.
Tips for senior immigrants to make the most of living in Canada:
Learn the language: Learning English or French can help senior immigrants communicate with locals, make friends, and feel more comfortable in their new home.
Get involved in the community: Joining community groups, volunteering, and attending local events can help senior immigrants meet new people and learn about Canadian culture.
Go to settlement organisations to receive free assistance in accessing services designed for seniors.
Get to know seniors from outside your ethnicity.
Go for walks in your neighbourhood and get to know the area; learn how to take public transportation or call a taxi.
Explore the city: Canada has many diverse cities and attractions. Exploring the city can help senior immigrants discover all it has to offer.
Stay active: Canada has many opportunities for seniors to stay active, such as senior centers, walking groups, and fitness classes. Staying active can help senior immigrants maintain their physical and mental health.
Stay connected with family and friends: If senior immigrants have family and friends back in their home country, staying connected with them through phone calls, video chats, and social media can help them feel less isolated.
Know their rights: It’s important for senior immigrants to know their rights and the services available to them in Canada. This includes healthcare, housing, and financial support.
Embrace Canadian culture: Embracing Canadian culture while also maintaining their own cultural identity can help senior immigrants feel more connected to their new home.
Be understanding of your children and grandchildren about their changing roles and expectations living in Canada.
When searching for your first home, here are five tips to ensure you get the best mortgage rates in Canada. And, to get the best rates will require you to research so you know how to select a mortgage that’s right for you. Many newcomers arrive with savings to own a home and establish roots in Canada. And getting the best mortgage rate can save you thousands of dollars over the course of your mortgage.
Buying your first home in Canada is an exciting time to make your dream of homeownership a reality. But at the same time, it can create stress and confusion. You may have questions about the real estate process in Canada, the lending process, or other important questions. And, buying a home is likely the largest and most important decision that you will make. So, it’s important to understand what’s involved, and how you can save thousands of dollars with the best mortgage rate.
Tips to Get the Best Mortgage Rates in Canada
Tip 1. Do Your Research
A home purchase is a major investment. So, spend some time researching the housing market in Canada and the lending and real estate process. Do your research so that you’re confident with the decisions you’ll have to make every step of the way. And, this includes understanding the different types of mortgages:
options (for example, open or closed mortgage)
Tip 2. Save for Your Down Payment to Get the Best Mortgage Rate
Your down payment is money you pay towards your home purchase. It is deducted from the purchase price of your home. And, the remaining amount will be covered by your mortgage loan.
A 2019 survey conducted by Royal LePage revealed that 75% of newcomers arrive in Canada with savings to purchase a home. And the great news is that those savings can help you to get the best mortgage rate.
If you can pay 20% or more of the property value, you can get a conventional mortgage loan. But, with less than 20% of your down payment, you’ll get a high-ratio mortgage. And, high-ratio mortgages require home buyers to purchase mortgage default insurance. This mortgage insurance allows homebuyers to buy a home with less than a 20% down payment of the purchase price.
However, mortgage insurance only protects your lender. Therefore, it’s important to understand the terms and conditions of mortgage insurance if you’re unable to pay your mortgage.
Homebuyers require a minimum down payment of 5% of the home purchase price. So, if you have less than 5%, keep saving!
Clearly, when you have a bigger down payment it can save you money over the lifetime of your mortgage. But, if you have less than 20% of the purchase price, your lender will require you to pay for mortgage insurance.
There’s nothing like a poor credit score to stand in the way of getting the best mortgage rates in Canada. The minimum required credit score to get a mortgage in Canada is between 620 – 679. But, with a good credit score (usually between 680 – 724 points), you may get better borrowing rates.
Although, even if you have a good credit score, it’s wise to practice good financial habits to increase your ability to borrow money. For example:
Spending less than 30% of your credit line
Limiting the number of credit cards you apply for
Paying all bills (phone, cable, hydro, etc) on time.
Tip 4. Get Professional Advice about Mortgage Rates
If you’re a first-time homebuyer, working with a mortgage broker can help you to navigate the complexity of mortgage products, options, and features. A mortgage broker can access a broad range of financing options.
Buying your first home in Canada can come with uncertainty about unexpected costs, affordability, or paying too much for your home. And, you’ll likely have questions that a mortgage broker can answer.
A professional mortgage broker can inform you about the variety of mortgage options and features. Because different mortgage options may be more suitable for you based on your needs and future plans. For example, you will need this information to help you make decisions related to:
mortgage type: open or closed mortgage
mortgage rate: fixed or variable interest rates.
In addition to knowledge and experience, mortgage brokers:
Help you look at what is important to you and get you the best possible mortgage rate
Discuss your down payment options and how to budget for a new home
Help you understand the financial advantages and disadvantages of your mortgage options.
Lenders may have important restrictions related to each mortgage option, and that may end up costing you more money. Working with a mortgage broker can save you thousands of dollars in your overall costs.
Tip 5. Get Pre-approved for a Mortgage
When searching for your new home, it’s difficult to predict if mortgage rates will increase or decrease. So, a pre-approved mortgage can protect you against interest rate hikes while you search. With a pre-approved mortgage, you can lock in a mortgage rate for up to 120 days.
In addition, getting pre-approved will help you understand how much you can afford to buy your first house in Canada.
Do I Need a Mortgage Broker?
You can get a mortgage from your bank or a mortgage broker. However, working with a broker who is a subject matter expert with specialized mortgage knowledge can offer several advantages. For example, you can:
Get a better rate with a mortgage broker than a bank because mortgage brokers get wholesale rates. Bank customers get retail rates. And yes, wholesale rates are lower!
Get a wider product choice than working with a bank that will only offer the products they have.
A broker works with several lenders including top banks, credit unions, and other lenders to get you a more flexible deal. And with one single mortgage application, they get several lenders to “bid” for your business to get you the best possible rate.
In addition, a mortgage broker acts as a single point of contact who can manage everything from applying for the mortgage to negotiating your rate and disbursing the funds. All of this can create a stress-free experience, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the process.
Key Takeaways:
Your home purchase is a major investment. Ensure you get the best mortgage rate to help you save money over the lifetime of your mortgage.
A professional mortgage broker can help you understand the different types of mortgages, features, and restrictions.
A pre-approved mortgage can help you lock in your interest rate while you search for your dream home.
Establishing roots in Canada through homeownership is exciting! Achieve your dream with the best mortgage rate to save you thousands of dollars for your mortgage.
Engineering is a regulated profession in Canada and requires a license from one of Canada’s provincial or territorial engineering regulators (see links in Section 5). With a license from a regulating body, you can call yourself an engineer and use the title for your specific engineering type. Canadian employers place a high value on the professional engineer (P. Eng.) designation and this can open many career options. The regulating bodies have five requirements that engineers must meet including an engineering degree. However, some jobs may require a master’s degree. If you’re an internationally educated engineer, learn more about job requirements, licensing requirements, job search techniques, and pre-arrival services to help you get ready to work in Canada.
How to Improve Your Chance to Work as an Engineer Before You Move to Canada?
Newcomers looking for jobs in Canada often discover that they struggle to find work in their chosen engineering type after they arrive. This is also true for engineers looking to get recognition for their international qualifications and gain Canadian work experience. However, there are steps that you can take before you move to Canada that can improve your chance to work and reduce the time it will take to get your engineering license:
Improve your language skills to meet licensing requirements. Enroll in language classes while in your home country and continue them after you move to Canada.
Understand how your profession is practiced in Canada and familiarize yourself with provincial laws and legislation that govern engineering in the province where you plan to settle.
Know the name of your job in Canada and make a list of potential employers.
1. How to Get an Engineer License in Canada?
You need to apply directly to the appropriate regulatory body to become licensed to work in Canada. To learn about the specific licensing requirements, you can contact the provincial engineering body where you plan to settle and work in Canada. While licensing requirements may vary by province, you must meet these five requirements:
Have obtained an engineering degree
Work experience
Have supervised work experience that shows your ability to apply engineering knowledge
Have language competence in one of Canada’s two official languages
Demonstrate truth, honesty, and trustworthiness
Professionalism & ethics
Have passed the Professional Practice Exam (PPE)
Five Engineering Licensing Requirements
The licensing process can be complex, But, you can take advantage of free pre-arrival services that can help you navigate the process and help you to make valuable connections.
Watch the video to get engineering and licensing tips:
2. Employment Outlook for Engineering Jobs in Canada
Canada employs engineers for construction and infrastructure and other specialized engineering projects. And these projects fuel the demand for talent from different engineering disciplines. Other factors that contribute to the labour demand include Canada’s economic performance and tight labour supply. As a result, engineers from around the world will play a vital role to meet Canada’s labour needs.
A report from Engineers Canada revealed that Canada will need to fill more than 100,000 engineer jobs by the end of 2025 as engineers retire and the economy grows. As the demand for engineers continues to be strong, immigration will be essential to fill positions.
To meet the growing need, Canadian universities are granting an increased number of degrees to international students. As well, the federal government’s Express Entry system is an example of a program intended to meet Canadian labour market needs for skilled workers.
What is Required to Work as Engineer in Canada?
Before you can work as an engineer in Canada, the provincial regulator must evaluate your engineering background before they will issue a license to practice. And, this can be a lengthy process. However, in some cases, you may be able to start the process before you arrive and connect with pre-arrival services to guide you. These vital steps can save you time, money, and effort.
Credentials Recognitionfor Engineering Jobs
Credential recognition is the process of verifying that your international education and credentials meet the high engineering standards in Canada. The provincial regulator can provide information about the documents you require as well as the cost and amount of time that it will take. It’s important to consider this information before you arrive in Canada so that you can decide if this is the path you want to follow.
You may be asked to submit some or all of the following:
Original diplomas, degrees, transcripts, and the official program syllabuses or course descriptions
Addresses of the schools where you obtained your engineering qualifications
Employment and character references.
The provincial regulator will review your university background, assess your academic qualifications, and may assign an exam program to ensure that you meet all academic requirements. The assigned exams will be based on your claim discipline or specialty of intended work. Exams are held once or twice a year, depending on the jurisdiction. You can get the exam schedule to help you decide the best time for you to depart for Canada.
If you are an engineering technician or technologist, you do not require a license but rather require a certificate. In this case, the regulator may ask for a Technologist/Technician Certificate.
Once you understand the licensure process and what the regulatory body requires, you can begin your application process.
Related Post:
Credentials Assessment Services
If you plan to attend college or university in Canada to upgrade your skills, contact the school where you plan to study to see if they require an education assessment from a specific agency. Using the correct agency will save you time and money.
To find more organizations that provide credential evaluation, assessment, and qualification recognition services, click here.
Best Locationsfor Engineering Jobs in Canada
Career opportunities in Canada vary according to your engineering type, the industries in which you wish to work, and the province where you plan to settle. For example, electrical engineers can find plenty of jobs in Quebec and Ontario where there is a high volume of manufacturing activity. Chemical engineers are most in-demand in Western Canada where energy production is concentrated. Software and computer engineers are in high demand in almost all geographic regions given rapid technological changes and innovation.
The point is that demand can vary. So, it’s important to understand the labour market. Ideally, you want to identify where Canada has a need for your specific engineering type.
Engineering Type
National Job Market Outlook Source: Job Bank Canada
Research job prospects in provinces and local regions for your specific engineering type before you move to Canada.
Choosing a City
When looking for jobs, broaden your search beyond Toronto and Vancouver, Canada’s gateway cities. While these cities may have a high number of jobs, they are also costly cities to live in. Consider if you prefer to live in a large, fast-paced city, or a small city. Many small and mid-sized cities in Canada want to attract newcomers to help grow their cities and economy. In addition, small cities can provide an employment advantage because the job market may be less competitive.
Housing in smaller cities also tends to be more affordable than in Canada’s largest cities. With lower housing costs, you can likely rent or buy a larger home for a more affordable cost. Finding a job in a city that offers affordable housing can greatly influence your economic success in Canada.
The point is, be sure to research where the greatest demand is for your engineering type and research cities to ensure they meet the needs of you and your family.
Professional engineers can work at construction companies, manufacturing companies, public power generation and utility companies, mining companies, various levels of government, and consulting firms. Engineers can also be self-employed.
Companies are facing challenges in finding senior-level engineers. Though you might not get a senior-level job immediately, it’s good to start at a lower level and work your way up in the organization.
BCCA-IN can also help you to connect with employers all across Canada.
3. Skills Upgrading to Meet Engineering Job Requirements
To become licensed, you will have to complete an accredited program of study, supervised work experience, and a professional ethics exam. Skills upgrading courses and bridging programs can help you to obtain your license.
Employers in Canada expect engineers to have advanced math and science skills, strong communication and interpersonal skills, business writing and report writing skills, teamwork, critical thinking problem-solving, and project management skills. And while you likely possess strong technical skills, you may need training or skills upgrading to enhance your “soft skills”.
Soft skills can help you to get a job and successfully achieve your career goals. For example, in Canada, effective communication skills are essential and are as important as hard skills. And, if you are applying for a management position, soft skills are even more valuable than technical skills.
You may be eligible for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program. Otherwise, you can find free or affordable classes in English as a Second Language (ESL) or French as a Second Language (FSL) classes through school boards or settlement agencies.
There are even language courses to teach you professional terminology, such as job-specific language training and Occupation Specific Language Training (OSLT) in Ontario. And, if you already speak one of Canada’s two official languages at a high level, learning the other one is a good option, as it may offer you better job opportunities.
Many immigrants take further education after coming to Canada. Some even want to change careers or enhance their careers with a Ph.D. or MBA.
Bridging Programs for Engineering Jobs
Bridge training programs help eligible immigrants to continue their engineering careers when they arrive in Canada. The programs “bridge” international experience and training with the requirements to work in Canada. Many colleges, universities, and settlement agencies offer free bridging programs that you may be eligible for.
Some programs offer general job search help while other programs offer engineering-specific language training, technical courses, and help to prepare to write the Professional Practice Exam. Some programs also provide the opportunity to gain Canadian work experience.
Explore some of the bridging programs to find one that’s suitable for you.
Bridging programs help newcomers to continue their careers in Canada.
4. Engineering Job Search Techniques
The Canadian job market is competitive, so you will need to prepare to find a job. It’s important to research jobs by province and local region and develop a plan to find work.
There are many ways to search for jobs including:
Broadening your search and including alternative careers
Seeking a mentor who could give you insight into Canada’s construction industry and introduce you to their network
Joining job-finding or networking clubs through settlement agencies
You do not need a license to work in the many different professions within the field of engineering or applied science and technology. While you are in the process of obtaining your license, you may want to register as an engineer-in-training to receive guidance from the provincial regulatory body.
Finding a job in Canada may be different than in your home country and you may need help with your job search. Most settlement agencies offer free services to help you:
Find job vacancies
Update your resume
Write cover letters
Prepare for interviews, and
Understand what Canadian employers are looking for.
These services can help you to avoid the stress and anxiety of conducting your job search in Canada. Find out more about the free services that settlement agencies offer to newcomers here.
Informational Interviews
An informational interview is a brief (20–30-minute) meeting that you schedule with someone who is currently working in the profession.
You should not try to get a job during an informational interview but rather learn more about the engineering profession in Canada. For example, you may want to learn more about trends, regulatory changes, or technology changes that are affecting the field.
An informational interview with a contact from your network can be a great source of engineer career information. In addition to getting information about the industry, you can benefit from their first-hand experiences working in the field in Canada.
Networking for Engineering Jobs
Networking is a vital activity to help you find job leads, gain professional advice, and expand your network. In Canada, many job vacancies are not advertised. Also known as the “hidden” job market, you can discover these jobs through networking with others. So, it’s helpful to connect and build relationships with others in your field who can help you discover these jobs. Good places to network include conferences, associations, and other settings.
LinkedIn is another vital tool for networking. Using LinkedIn, you can connect with former colleagues and employers, search for jobs, and get introductions to others. You can also join some relevant groups to learn more about engineering in Canada.
But remember, that you have to allow time to cultivate and grow the ties you establish through networking. Nothing will happen overnight and you need to be patient.
Engineers work in dozens of fields, including aeronautics, biomedicine, manufacturing, chemicals, computers, and more. So how you prepare for your job interview will depend in part on your engineer type.
One way you can separate yourself from other job seekers is to create a work portfolio that you can take to interviews. Or, you can even share a link to your online portfolio with the interviewer ahead of time. This way, they can review your portfolio and you can discuss it during the interview.
Before your interview, you can prepare and practice responses to common interview questions. And, while it’s difficult to predict every interview question, here are some common questions that you can prepare to answer:
Describe a major project that you worked on in your most recent position and what you did to ensure the project’s success.
What do you enjoy most/least about engineering?
Describe how you stay current on industry trends and developments. Respond by discussing professional associations that you belong to, trade publications that you read, or recent education that you completed.
Describe a time when you confronted a problem that really tested your engineering know-how.
You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the interview. Use this chance to show your genuine interest in the job and the company. Prepare two or three questions to help you assess if this is your desired job, and company to work for. It will be helpful if you are current on recent research and information about your prospective employer when posing your questions. Here are some questions to consider:
What new products or initiatives are on the horizon?
How do you help your staff grow professionally?
How would you describe the culture of the organization?
5. Engineering Associations in Canada
The associations listed below provide information about licensure and certification and offer professional development, education, and networking opportunities.
Engineers Canada: is the national organization that represents the 12 provincial and territorial engineering regulators in Canada.
Provincial and Territorial Regulators
Each province and territory has its own regulatory body to license engineers who meet professional standards, govern the practice, and integrate skilled immigrants. Regulators provide information about licensure and certification and offer professional training, education, and networking opportunities.
These societies play a key role in helping engineers learn about new theories, advanced techniques, and modern equipment through conferences, seminars, and publications:
Contribute to and enrich their respective communities
Provide opportunities for members to find meaningful employment and achieve their professional goals
These groups organize networking events, mentoring, information sessions, professional development opportunities, and connections to job opportunities.
For information, tools, free webinars, and more visit our Finding a Job in Canada resource page. Get the help you need to achieve your career goals in Canada!