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Wrapped pink and red Valentine's Day gifts with text that reads celebrating Valentine's Day

With February 14th right around the corner, you may be turning your thoughts to Valentine’s Day gifts. This special day has a rich history that goes back centuries. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, is a holiday where lovers express their affection for each other. The holiday has expanded to include friends and relatives as well. While you may have your own gift ideas and traditions from your country, here’s what’s commonly done in Canada.

On Valentine’s Day, loved ones exchange gifts and greetings. What makes Valentine’s Day different from other holidays is that its main theme revolves around romantic love. Because of this, the colours red and pink, and hearts are a common sight on Valentine’s Day. But even though we call it a holiday, it’s more of a celebration of love as opposed to a public holiday.

This guide will help you pick out the best Valentine’s Day gifts for that special someone. The key to finding the right gift isn’t even in the gift at all. Gifts are a way to convey your love and affection to someone. To find the perfect gift, you need to find something that symbolizes how you feel about that person. Once you know what feelings you want to convey to your loved one, the sky is the limit.

The first two things that come to mind when thinking about Valentine’s Day are hearts and chocolates. Unsurprisingly, combining these two makes for a perfect little gift. One of the most popular gift ideas for Valentine’s Day is a heart-shaped box full of chocolates. This small but meaningful gift symbolizes love and affection for the person you give it to. A box of chocolates is a great gift if you want to show some affection to that special someone.

A box of Valentine's Day chocolate is placed among pink and red roses
A heart-shaped box of chocolates is a popular Valentine’s Day gift

A Thoughtful Gift: Books


Books are one of the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas out there. Books work especially well if you want to express your feelings but can’t find the courage to say them yourself. What makes books such a great gift is that you can use them to convey any message you want. There are thousands of books out there and there is a high chance you will find multiple books that carry the same message you want to share. You can also get a book for a family member to show how much you care about and appreciate them. The potential is endless if you choose the right book and present it at the right time.

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How to Make a Valentine’s Day Gift

If you have decent crafting skills, you can make a Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one! DIY gifts are a great idea for a gift, especially if you know your loved one well. You can make just about anything when it comes to DIY. Be creative. Think about what your loved one will appreciate. No store-bought gift can ever be as personalized and romantic as a gift you make yourself. What’s even better is that DIY gifts will also be much easier on your wallet. 

For the hopeless romantics, consider compiling a photo book with memories from your favourite trips together. You can write romantic captions or add quotes from poems or books.

A photo of a couple on bikes along the shoreline of a romantic beach. A photo book can be a great Valentine's Day gift
Creating a photo book of your favourite memories is a romantic Valentine’s Day gift!

Personalized Gifts Ideas

No single gift can take the title of being the best Valentine’s Day gift. The perfect gift depends entirely on the person you are giving it to. If your loved one is a big fan of getting outdoors and staying active, then a bicycle could be a good gift for Valentine’s Day. However, if your loved one prefers staying indoors, a bike probably wouldn’t be the best gift.

Put Some Thought into Your Valentine’s Day Gift

First of all, a gift you find on the internet cannot be thoughtful. For a gift to be thoughtful, you need to put thought into it. If you find a gift online and decide to get it for your loved one, it will probably not be as effective as a gift you thought of yourself. As mentioned earlier, books can be a thoughtful gift if you put thought into them. A random book from a list of “Top 10 Romance Novels”, will not light the same spark as a book you chose yourself.


How Much Should You Spend on a Valentine’s Day Gift?

Your Valentine’s Day gift doesn’t need to be expensive. A common misconception is that the more expensive a gift is, the better it is going to be. Your gift should show that you put thought into the gift.

Your gift doesn’t even need to be tangible. It doesn’t need to be an object to be memorable. It could be an event or a night out at a special place. Again, it should be something that you think your loved one will enjoy. You want to make it memorable. Perhaps a live concert by their favourite artist or a visit to a place that brings back childhood memories. It doesn’t need to be a dinner at the most expensive restaurant you can find.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how expensive your gift was or how much effort you put into getting that gift. It is about how that gift made your loved one feel and how effective it was in conveying your feelings for that person. Once you realize that, finding the right gift is as easy as chocolate. Or maybe the gift is chocolate.

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