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Most Popular Reads for Newcomers to Canada in 2023

Written By

Corinna Frattini

Dec 13, 2023

A young Asian woman is reading most popular stories about Canada on her mobile phone.
A young Asian woman is reading most popular stories about Canada on her mobile phone.

For newcomers getting ready to move to Canada, careful research is part of the process so we want to share our 10 most popular reads in 2023. From renting a place to live to researching landing cities, to learning how to continue your career in Canada. Whether you’re coming to Canada as a Permanent Resident or an international student, quickly learn what information our Prepare for Canada readers want to know more about. With Canada ready to welcome 485,000 newcomers in 2024, we think our “most popular” shortlist can help you make vital decisions as you continue your journey to Canada!

For newcomers, finding a place to live is a key priority. And, if you are researching the housing situation in Canada, you likely know that housing is a hot topic because of a supply issue. From limited availability to affordable housing options, finding suitable housing can be the biggest challenge that newcomers face. We’re not surprised that these housing posts were among some of our most popular reads in 2023:

  1. Accommodation in Canada | Options and Solutions for Newcomers

2. How to Find Accommodation in Canada with Rentals for Newcomers

Finding housing that meets your unique needs may be more challenging in gateway (point-of-entry) cities like Toronto, and Vancouver. In these gateway cities, the price of renting or buying a house is expensive and can create financial stress. However, secondary cities such as London, Sudbury, or Winnipeg may be worth exploring before you arrive in Canada. More affordable housing options are often the appeal to newcomers, especially if you desire to buy a home when you arrive.

Condos in London, Ontario on a bright sunny day.

Choosing a city to settle in Canada is a vital factor in your personal, social, professional, and financial success. Many mid-sized and small cities across Canada are actively working to attract newcomers to build diverse, dynamic, and thriving communities. The City of Sudbury, for example, is one of 11 cities participating in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot program to attract skilled workers who want to live in smaller communities.

A key advantage to exploring secondary cities is that they provide more affordable housing options. With lower housing costs, more of your paycheque can go toward achieving your dreams and goals for life in Canada faster! Check out our most popular stories about cities in Canada:

3. What to Know About Living in Sudbury, Ontario

4. What to Know About Living in Winnipeg, Manitoba

5. What to Know About Living in London, Ontario

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Along with researching housing costs, it’s equally important to research your profession in Canada. Combining professional opportunities in lower-cost secondary cities can be the key to your financial success in Canada. With healthcare included in the newly created Express Entry category-based selection process, this might explain these popular career-related posts:

6. Medical Laboratory Technologist Jobs, Salaries & Careers in Canada

7. Biotechnology Job, Salaries, and Careers in Canada | What Newcomers Must Know

8. Nursing Jobs in Canada | What You Require to Work

The 2023 Express Entry categories include French-language proficiency, healthcare, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), trade, transport, and agriculture and agri-food occupations.

Discover more information for more than 20 different occupations in Canada in our Career Pathways portal.

A traffic sign with the words Career Path Ahead is among office towers in city.

Rounding up our 10 most popular stories of 2023 includes practical information about financial resources and shipping your belongings:

9. How Much Money Will I Need to Bring to Canada

10. Goods to Follow | Bringing Your Goods to Canada

If you’re among the many who will build a new life and continue your career in Canada, we hope these 10 most popular reads of 2023 will help guide you!

Settling in Canada with Confidence and Ease


Corinna Frattini

Senior Editor, Prepare for Canada

Corinna Frattini is the Senior Editor and Content Director for Prepare for Canada. She contributes articles to help newcomers achieve their goals in key areas related to living, working, and settling in Canada. With an extensive background in human resources and leadership development, her articles focus on what Canadian employers seek and how newcomers can continue their careers in Canada.

© Prepare for Canada 2025